Up4Real? wrote:And now after those very good explanations come this.
I have a a Coloplast Titan 22cm implant. The surgical notes indicate I have “11/11” ie 11cm inside and outside my body. Even after asking my surgeon 2 times, I still don’t understand why the significant variation from the standard ratios.
Prior to surgery I had a stretch flaccid of 7” measured by M.D.. Depending on how brutal the “pressed” in bone pressed erect penis (BPEP) is, the length is greater than that 1 year later. Go figure. I wonder if there is a significant part of this measurement protocol that parallels a fisherman’s size of catch…..maybe even mine.
At any rate, I hope to post a picture or 2 if I can get past a technical posting challenge.
You guys are the best. Thanks for the support.
I have the same measurements 22cm but with 1.5 RTE each side. Prior to surgery I was at 5” and never had ED only Venous Leakage and PE. I just had my surgery 3 days ago.
I’m thinking the 11cm is actually 4” each side ?