Discovernew wrote:Witheringhog wrote:Johns post made me think of something….. how many times a week do you get sex? I want 5-7 days a week, i was told injecting would work but the doc said only twice a week.
How many times you have sex could help in your decision…. I also did NOT want injections, the potential for scare tissue, having to plan for sex = less sex, and only 2x a week were deal breakers.
This is a great point.
Honestly, in my peak sexuality time, when i was in my 30s, my max record was 5 different women within 24hs. At the time, sildenafil 50mg was working great, so that means i had to pop 5 times 50mg within 24hs. Which was doable and it was all fun.
I cannot imagine injecting myself 5 times in a single day. Let alone once to be honest. Sildenafil is not as effective as it used to be and even if i take 100mg i am still having anxiety wether it would work or not. So even the time that i do spend with a woman is not so fun anymore, thinking my D can go down at any time.
Nowadays i am in my 40s but i still consider myself attractive and i am pretty sure i could do a lot more in the sexual department if i had the confidence 100% that my erection will be there exactly when i need it.
Except injections, which i don't see as a very practical option for me, i think i tried pretty much everything else.
Hello, I am someone who has made the decision that if it is necessary, I will get an implant immediately. Injections work very well for me and have been for almost 8 years. All I had to do was increase the dose. I also successfully dated a year after my marriage. Now I have a new hot partner and I couldn't believe it, I had to reduce the dose to get a 2-4 hour erection.
I haven't had any scars, fibrosis or anything like that. (I had it tested first). Currently I use it 3-5 times a week. Had it also had 7 days, but that should be the exception.
I also know the stories that it is horror to inject yourself into the penis. But it's nothing wild at all. Taking blood is much worse. But everyone reacts differently here. Since I never had a normal long erection, I didn't have a choice anyway.
I could have sex much more often, but I found the compromise for me here. Better to get a "normal erection" as long as possible without tubes in the body and enjoy it. As long as the injections work, because I think they're great and so does my girlfriend, because she didn't know how to have sex for so long.
As mentioned, the op cannot be undone, but I think that if you have the opportunity to live it out now, you should do it.
Spina Bifida and ED since birth. Sex with pills possible for a while, injections have been working fine for 7 years. Slight increase in dose. Consideration implant