Any supplements/nutritional recommendations to aid in healing?
Any supplements/nutritional recommendations to aid in healing?
Any supplements/nutritional recommendations to aid in healing? Interested in what you guys are taking (non-drugs) to maximize recovery, blood flow, growth, etc
Titan OTR implanted on 1/26/24. PE and Anxiety of varied degrees since age 19. Varicocele issues past 30 years. Type 2 Diabetic since 2013, pills didnt work, minimal reaction to shots, some VL, still had morning/overnight wood, but moderate quality.
Re: Any supplements/nutritional recommendations to aid in healing?
See you are type 2 diabetic. I would say a low carb diet. Maybe animal based with a lot of grass fed beef and grass fed butter. Low carb fruit, especially berries. Kefir en sauerkraut for gut health. Avoid inflammation foods like Mc Donalds, chips, alcohol and sodas
Dutch male born 1978. Post Finasteride Syndrome induced ED. LGX 21, 1rte, implanted 10th april 2024, Dr. Andrianne, CHU Liège.
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