tobenormalagain wrote:Hope84 wrote:tobenormalagain wrote:I too am a malleable implantee (Tactra) at age 57yo. Not to knock them either, but I say if air travel had the same success rates as IPP implants, no one ever step foot on an airplane again.
But you can always get a new IPP if it fails, it is not like you can "run out" of revision surgeries. I have yet to come across someone on this forum who claims to be in this situation. Plus the idea of having a constant boner with a malleable, along with the risks of erosion that come with it, are off putting for me.
Age is also a factor. I just turned 30 and will most likely get an IPP before the end of the year. If I can get 20 years of implants (with, say, 2 revisions, so 3 implants in total, which is I believe quite pessimistic), then I would be happy to switch to a malleable at that age. But not now.
You surely realize that every surgery and possible subsequent revision, come with significant risks (infection, component failure, risks associated with anesthesia…), not to mention pain, time to recover…?
- Serious complications from general anesthesia are extremely rare, I have yet to see a FT member report any sort of issue related to anesthesia.
- Pain and time to recover I can deal with, and the lion's share of people report a much smoother recovery with their revision(s) compared to the first surgery.
- Infections are rare and for the most part well dealt with by the medical team. What @niceguy1 has gone through is, from his own words, very rare. In most cases, after an infection occurs, the patient receives a new IPP after the infection has been clean, and in some cases, a malleable. An explantation resulting in no implant for several months is very rare.
I do see merits in malleable for sure, I just think that the odds are overall stacked in your favor if you opt for an IPP, assuming that your erections are very unsatisfactory (like me)/non-existent to start with, that you choose a top-notch surgeon, that you enter this surgery in great physical shape, and that your rigorously follow the doctor's rules.
I would be curious to hear other implanted members' perspective on this.