New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

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New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby coralfragger101 » Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:12 pm

Hey folks,

I'm 55 yrs old. Went through a period of about 7 yrs of impotence due to an ungodly amount of narcotics. After I got clean in 2010 things started to work again but never did get back to where I was prior to all the drug use. Tried pills and injections yet none worked terribly well and ultimately was diagnosed as having venous leakage.

Implanted with AMS 700 MS pump on 3/12/14 so I'm right at 3 weeks.

Got a shot of narcotics in recovery but sent home with only toradol and things haven't been too terribly bad pain wise.

My main concern at the moment is:

I've read on here that most folks went home with a mostly inflated device, mine was "barely" inflated.
At the 2 week mark my doc pumped it up once and released it totally. So it's been completely deflated for the past week.
But I read of others having to do daily pumps about 3 weeks out. I'm not seeing my doc for another couple of weeks yet he said I can have intercourse with it at the 3 week mark.
I haven't yet - won't see the GF till this weekend.

I'm just afraid that I'm going to lose length by not doing some daily stretching of things ?????????
I'm at 4" now deflated and that's scaring the crap out of me. Was 5.5" before the implant
55 yrs old, Implanted 3-12-14 AMS 700MS

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Re: New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby billylee » Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:49 am

IMO, you may be a little early for daily inflating. Although I was sent home on 3/12 partially inflated, I was told to leave it alone until I see surgeon again on April 28th. It does seem like a long wait, but I will go with that request. The lengthning will all come with time and I do not want to rush the process against Doctor's orders. At three weeks the slight inflation sure makes me want to try it out, but "no sex" until appt is the orders.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
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Re: New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby coralfragger101 » Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:59 am

Thanks for the reply.

Yea, I don't plan on trying to stretch things out on a daily w/o the doc telling me to.

He DID say I can start having sex so I will just give enough pumps for penetration w/o fully inflating till I see the doc again.
55 yrs old, Implanted 3-12-14 AMS 700MS

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Re: New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby jryancey44 » Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:54 pm

I had my implant 12/5/13 and was sent home inflated about 30% until my 6 weeks appt. I had a Titian implanted,I have regained all my length and added about 20% girth. I try to pump mine up at least once a day now.

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Re: New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby billylee » Thu Apr 03, 2014 8:59 pm

jryancey44 wrote:I had my implant 12/5/13 and was sent home inflated about 30% until my 6 weeks appt. I had a Titian implanted,I have regained all my length and added about 20% girth. I try to pump mine up at least once a day now.

I have first post-op appt with surgeon on April 28th, in my anticipation of more inflation I am curious, does this daily inflating require certain position such as laying on bed or standing? Could this be done while sitting and remain inflated while one drives to work? I am thinking that the near max inflation might be uncomfortable driving, I know now in my partially inflated status, sitting is not the most comfortable position. It will not be hard to designate a time to do inflating exercise in evening but mornings might be different, if I could have inflation going while driving to work, well that could be convenient. Even at nearing four weeks I can see how this exercise will be very beneficial.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby MomWarnedMe » Mon May 12, 2014 6:45 pm

I had my AMS 700 MS implant on 3-13-2014, so we're in the same post surgery time frame. I was sent home fully erect for 12 days, with instructions to wear tight briefs (To maintain erection in upright position). Returned on 12th post operation day office visit. Doctor deflated erection (Much pain), got home (50 mile ride) and realized only the left cylinder was deflated. returned in two weeks for follow-up visit. Dr. fully deflated erection. Dr. had me inflate and deflate in office...left cylinded not inflating. Dr. stated 'looks like you're going to have a curved penis'. Penis somewhat erect with right cylinder fully inflated. Asked Dr. why left cylinded wasn't inflating...and why I was having 'auto inflation' of the right cylinder... and he stated AMS acknowledges that these can be a issue. He diagnosed my erection as 'Suitable for Intercourse'. It seems to me from reading AMS literature that this is there 'buzz word' for minimaly acceptable, live with it. My Dr. states he does 5 of these a year...I'm kinda sorry I was number 6. I find the 'Deflate Button' really hard to depress (approx: 10-12 Foot pounds pressure required). Also, sometimes, after only 4-6 pumps on inflation the pump gets rock hard, and stops inflating with only the right cylinder full...the left cylinder still isn't filling. I think I may need to get another Urologists opinion. Any comments/suggestions. How are you doing...any issues? :|

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Re: New to Forum - New Implant 3-12-14

Postby billylee » Mon May 12, 2014 8:55 pm

For me, I have no major issues with implant itself. I have slight curve to left in flaccid but since it gets pretty straight on inflate there was not much concern by surgeon. Not sure if left side is weaker in fluid at flaccid or what, and guess it does not matter. In past it always seemed to want to point left on erection anyway.

I had a fairly easy post surgery with little serious pain. Couple of things were scary at time but went away, such as the reservoir discomfort for a day or so, the day or two of burning/itching in lower scrotum (outside), etc. I have also been surprised with discomfort in I/D exercise, usually twice a day, and the general "carrying" of a now larger, firmer penis (I was much the turtle). These things might have been read in pre-surgery research, but perhaps I was more concerned with surgery and did not give to much serious thought to period after post surgery healing and point where I knew I was infection free. Anyway, all tolerable as many of the other steps have been. I would emphasis to those in thought and on standby for surgery to understand that once activated (inflated and given go ahead for intercourse), it is not then a free of discomfort cake walk, and FULL recovery may not be for several months. Not a bad thing, just something to understand. I still can say that most every day it all gets better, psychologically, I think IPP is and will be good for me, whether it will to other wonders, well time will tell . b
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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