As of now, the swelling is pretty much gone. There is some tenderness around the head of my penis. It can't touch anything or I go crazy. I have wrapped it in gauze so I can wear underwear. This is my issue:
As of yesterday afternoon, I have had an incredible burning and stinging sensation on the left side of my crotch. Right where the scrotum touches the thigh. It burns like FIRE from that area! I can barely walk! The pain is unbelievable. PURE BURNING!!!
I tried the tylenol, didn't work. Tried the oxycodone. Didn't work either. Is it possible there is an infection?
What does it feel like when you're infected? Mind you now, the incision is fine, the penis is fine (although still a little sore), the scrotum where the button is, seems to be fine (a little sore as well), but the crotch on the left side between the thigh and the scrotum is LITERALLY ON FIRE!!!!!!!
Is this normal? If so, is there some kind of cream I can use?
All my doc says is keep ice on it. Well, ICE AIN'T WORKING.

I can't tell if its red or inflamed because Im a black man. Everything is black. LOL
Please help me guys. Im dyin over here!!!