burning and stinging 12 days out

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burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby keproductions1234 » Sat May 10, 2014 5:05 am

:oops: Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum. Just received my implant on 4-29. I was in amazing pain for about three days. Then the pain and swelling, tenderness began to subside somewhat. My only major problem was, when I went to sleep, I would wake up in incredible pain again. After about 10 mins awake, the pain would subside.

As of now, the swelling is pretty much gone. There is some tenderness around the head of my penis. It can't touch anything or I go crazy. I have wrapped it in gauze so I can wear underwear. This is my issue:

As of yesterday afternoon, I have had an incredible burning and stinging sensation on the left side of my crotch. Right where the scrotum touches the thigh. It burns like FIRE from that area! I can barely walk! The pain is unbelievable. PURE BURNING!!!
I tried the tylenol, didn't work. Tried the oxycodone. Didn't work either. Is it possible there is an infection?

What does it feel like when you're infected? Mind you now, the incision is fine, the penis is fine (although still a little sore), the scrotum where the button is, seems to be fine (a little sore as well), but the crotch on the left side between the thigh and the scrotum is LITERALLY ON FIRE!!!!!!!
Is this normal? If so, is there some kind of cream I can use?
All my doc says is keep ice on it. Well, ICE AIN'T WORKING. :twisted:

I can't tell if its red or inflamed because Im a black man. Everything is black. LOL
Please help me guys. Im dyin over here!!! :oops:

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby Bigtime071 » Sat May 10, 2014 9:33 am

I dont think you have an infection. I had an infection. With the titan coloplast it was about 10 times more pain than you have described I thought I was dying. For two weeks scrotum looked like a grapefruit. And was sore as hell. Pump stuck to my left testicle. A very bad experience. Did you have the titan or the ams put in? I think you will be fine you just have to heal and it takes about 6 months to fully heal.

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby billylee » Sat May 10, 2014 1:21 pm

I think several of us have had a burning/stinking/itching, mine at lower portion of scrotum. I believe they may have told me a surgeons that it could be related to the stress in area, yours is a little more puzzling, but could still be the stress. Mine was gone in a day or so. Good luck.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby Chaz456 » Sat May 10, 2014 2:25 pm

I had read about how people had little to no pain a few days after surgery, that was not my case. I had horrible pain for week, so I feel for you. And kind of like you're describing a specific localized area would start stinging/burning. Somewhere I heard that after two weeks ice doesn't do much.
Titan Touch installed 12/20/13, Then redone 03/21/14, Then redone again 06/13/14.

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby notsurewhattodo » Mon May 12, 2014 2:33 pm

I'm right in the same time frame as you (implanted 4/24). The pain was more than I imagined for way longer than I thought it would. Nothing was working, dilauded, vicodin, percocet, aspirin. Finally out of nowhere, a few days ago, it was like someone flipped a switch I am mostly pain free. Try the warm baths. It did provide at least temporary relief. Hope this helps you to know it will happen.

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby billylee » Mon May 12, 2014 3:15 pm

notsurewhattodo wrote:I'm right in the same time frame as you (implanted 4/24). The pain was more than I imagined for way longer than I thought it would. Nothing was working, dilauded, vicodin, percocet, aspirin. Finally out of nowhere, a few days ago, it was like someone flipped a switch I am mostly pain free. Try the warm baths. It did provide at least temporary relief. Hope this helps you to know it will happen.

My incision was scrotal and I was not given go ahead for baths until seven weeks when i went in for activation. If you are not to have baths I have heard of warming rice in a sock for a "warm pack". b
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby SR68GTO » Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:05 pm

Hi ... new to the site. What a great resource!

Was attracted by the heading about "burning and stinging".

I am 10 days out from my implant. Had mine done by Kramer in MD. I am 66 and have had ED for about 10 years. I have a Titan.

This past week has been tough. Today was my best day but as the day goes on, that stinging and burning as you describe gets much worse. I think it is the tubes and I guess the pump I am feeling.

Please tell me this gets better and how long to I have to wait!


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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby stringerbell » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:36 pm

You'll be OK, 12 days is really early still. Dr. Kramer is unbelievable, responds to calls and emails immediately, I get the feeling he really, truly cares.

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby SR68GTO » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:27 am

I am 17 days out and continue to have moderate to severe stinging and burning in the testicles and penis. Doc put me on another "Sulfa" based antibiotic just in case there is some infection. I do not have any measurable swelling or redness, just tenderness.

Please tell me did you experience these symptoms post-op and for how long and does it go away? Also what did you do to get relief?

Please help!

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Re: burning and stinging 12 days out

Postby 382485996 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 8:13 pm

I had exactly the pain starting at 8 days out. It lasted about 6 days and was then gone overnight. Hang in there, in about 4 weeks or less you'll feel almost normal.

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