Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby jackpTenn » Thu May 13, 2010 6:51 pm


Glad to see your humor is comming back.

The morning I left for Nashville to have my implant activated I told my wife that I wanted to "tare her up". she said she knew that and was prepared. She was not feeling well and did not go with me.

On the way home I called her and told her Todd suggested waiting a couple of day before using the implant. When I arrived home I was tired but show her how my new equipment looked. That night laying on my back in bed I pumped up the implant, like Todd instructed. I was laying there with a hard on, sticking straigh up, no pills, no shots, no VED with a constriction ring. For the first time in years I felt NORMAL.

The next afternoon she and I were laying in bed doing foreplay. For the first time in years I was able to penetrate her. I was sore but my mind said do it. Well remember I told her I was going to "tare her up" well just the opposite happend. I felt like a stud again.

Today it is almost 19 months since my surgery. At the one year mark I thought man this can not get any better. I was wrong, Now, with the exception of squeezing the pump, I function better than ever. We both love the results. What it has done for our sex live is amazing.

You and the girlfriend enjoy the new equipment.

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
Normal Again

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby debo1315 » Thu May 20, 2010 6:09 pm

Hello to everone! Hey guys im new to the family and im scared as hell too. I was diagnosed with vascular diease back in april 2010, so my doctor recommened an implant as a permanent solution, of course i went through all the stages on help pills,shots, till nothing worked anymore. My wife and i talked it over for about a week and she told me she was with whatever was going to make me happy! so i went ahead and scheduled the date for surgery. Oh! 42 years old and live in NY. So i had the surgery on march 18 2010 . i have the ams lgx, i am through the pain and stuff but still hurts when i pump it up, and i pump it up till i cant pump it any more. Is it still suppose to hurt so much, and what does this mean? The reason im scared is because before the implant i was about 7 to 71/2 now i am 6 1/2 and my girth is nowhere close to what it was in fact it feels like im holding a pencil , i am 5ft 11 about 200 pounds and it does not look right with my body. my doctor implanted a 21 cm by 12 mm with a 100 ml reservoir. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SHED SOME LIGHT ON THIS, the only thing i am pleased with is the erection! im starting to think this was a mistake or the doctor misjudged my size! PLEASE HELP!

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Fri May 21, 2010 5:56 pm

Hello friend,

What type of implant did you get, Titan?

Obviously, I had the same concern(s). Its been just over a month since I had the surgery and things continue to look better. For some odd reason right after post op and even weeks after my girth was less than it was before the surgery, as well as my length. This all changes. Your size will gradually return back to normal. My biggest concern now is when will I be able to inflate the implant without it being so painful, if anyone knows? Seriously, it hurts so bad I almost have to deflate it right away. As of now I wouldn't be able to have sex like this.

Don't worry about the size. I still think I lost some length but it was a lot smaller weeks ago as opposed to now. Now I MIGHT have lost half an inch in length, but thats really nothing, isn't it? However, at the base of my penis, I'm thicker than I ever have been. And the quality of the erection is like steel. I'm just waiting for the pain to go away so I can put it to use. The pain's gone (for the most part) when I'm not erect. Now I'm dealing with the pain when the device is inflated.

Here's a pic of me 1 month out of surgery. I'm wearing shorts because I'm not a homosexual, (no offense to any of you who may be) and I'm not comfortable baring all on a public forum - at least not yet. But as you can see, you could catapult off this thing if you wanted to!!! LOL...

Everything is gonna be OKAY, (repeat that to yourself)

Photo 18.jpg
One month post op
Photo 18.jpg (89.11 KiB) Viewed 4611 times

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby fredgermanholes » Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:15 pm

Well david, has been some time from your last post. How are you doing now? How are you feeling with your lenght? Girth? I think pain go away? I hope everything goes well

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:58 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry I've been inactive on this forum the last couple of months. As you all know, the economy is tough right especially after paying for a surgical procedure such as mine! I hope everyone here is doing well.

As for my progress, things are going pretty good. I'm happy with the results and things are back to normal. There's a slight difference in the size when I'm inflated and excited as opposed to being unexcited. The length, width and quality of the erection is phenomenal. My Doctor was correct. Post-op I wasn't my regular size and it also hurt to inflate after the surgery. Now, I must say it's like a dream come true. All I need is a woman to share it with. It's not the answer to all my problems, but it certainly solved a mighty big one! No pun intended. (:

Thank you again everyone for all the support! If anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

God bless all of you,


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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:11 pm

Hello again everyone,

I just wanted to add overall I'm satisfied with the results ... but, there's a psychological aspect to it. My bodies been altered for the rest of my life. This is not always easy to deal with. You must prepare yourself mentally before doing this, which I hadn't done. To anyone considering having this surgery ... that would be the one thing I recommend the most. Psychological / mental preparation.

Thanks again,


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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby Genome » Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:20 am

David...would you tell us your length and girth before surgery AND after surgery? I would need the Titan, too.

Could you explain how we can prepare mentally for the procedure.

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:02 pm


To be perfectly honest, I never measured myself before the surgery -- that includes length and girth. However, since the surgery I have measured my length, which is about an even 7 inches. I do believe I was slightly longer before the surgery but my Doctor says no. He also stated many times over, within the course of a year the Titan will keep expanding, which is something you probably want to touch on with your Doctor. My girth seems to be slightly wider than I was before.

I'm not exactly sure how you should mentally prepare yourself, considering everyone's different. This is something I hadn't done prior to the surgery and I panicked about my size afterwards. Just after the surgery I noticed a significant difference in size which made me severely alarmed. This is normal, but after time it gradually changes - meaning I saw a restoration and return to my regular self. I think the best thing you can do to cope with the surgery is acceptance. You made the choice do to this and now you have to live with it. You'll never be able to get a natural erection again which is a major change ... but as I said before, I do believe the pros outweigh the cons. Good luck and keep us posted.


hard drive
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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby hard drive » Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:55 pm

Hello David,

I'm wondering where you are at right now with your progress. I just had the Titan OTR implanted 3 weeks ago, and I'm at the panic stage of the progress myself. My experience is similar to yours and it's getting a little better each day. One thing that isn't getting better is this... Just in front of my scrotum there is a thick tuft of tissue on the inside where all the tubes come out. it seems it will block/obstruct how much penis I'll be able to insert into a vagina. So although the length doesn't look much shorter (perhaps 1/4 - 1/2 inch), the amount I can penetrate with seems to be about 4" of my 7 1/2" shaft.

Did you notice anything like this and did it get better?

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:34 pm

Excuse me for not answering sooner, hard drive. I hadn't noticed any new messages. Nothing like that occurred in my experience. I'd recommend speaking to your doctor about it. Sounds awful. I hope and pray it gets resolved.


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