my answer: yes, at seven days I would be able to handle an easy desk job for 6 hours per daySo, for those of you that had the procedure, what kind of shape were you in after 2 weeks? Could you have managed to be in a situation that required limited mobility and some standing for a few hours a day?
at 14 days, I was able to get back completely to work feeling at 95% capability and able to stand for several hours and felt normally mobile.
My surgeon officially answers this question by saying, "if you have a sedentary desk job, then you can return to work at seven days" and then he states : "if you have a job where you are on your feet a lot, then "you can return to work in 14 days"
Basically, I felt totally fine and able to work at fourteen days. (note, I suppose if you are really active, like a furniture moving man, then maybe 3 weeks are needed)