ote="star_of_pramen"]Thanks Quincy, I knew there was something I was forgetting, and that's the adhesion. My pump is 100% adhered to the skin and I am trying in the bath to gently massage it away. Have to be careful as I have a scab from my stitches and dont want to open it up at all! Good advice though, so thanks
[/quote]Quincy wrote:Thanks for the update and info on concerns.
I don't have much to help with one some. With regard to pump placement, my doc said to gently pull down on the pump in the scrotum to have it move lower. GENTLY! He started me doing this as soon as the wrapping came off, and said I should do it every day, multiple times a day. To remind me, he said just do it automatically after every pee so I'd be sure to do it repeatedly. You should ask your doctor about it. Apparently, staying in one place for a long time lets the pump adhere to the tissues around it.
I've still had a little problem keeping everything separate - the pump wanted to attach to a testicle once and even more to the back of the scrotum. I asked him about it again yesterday, and he said he'd like me to massage it, somewhat hard, and keep it released. He wants it to be a like a bell clapper, free and loose inside the sack. Again, something you should cover with your doc.
Good to see that you are making progress.