Wade1958 wrote:Had two rounds of xiaflex injections beginning in 2017 for peyroines (only made curvature and hourglass affect worse) implanted on 9/24/2018 surgeon could not complete insertion due to plaque, 2nd surgery 2/5/2019 still a mess not usable. I got 2nd opinion and 3rd surgery was completed 12/10/2019. SO i am 5 months post op the titan implant was used to try to give me some sort of usable penis. i am 4 1/2 bone pressed ,5 1/4 girth lost 1 1/2 length from peyroines and all the surgeries . First attempt at sex was not good the head of my penis is soft and not engorging making penetration difficult , second i had little to no sensation.My penis is still numb the length of my penis and down in to my scrotum (where the incision was ). My question is has anyone experienced this type of problems? and i have read where the use of Viagra has helped with engorgement and sensation.i read all the stories about guys back in the saddle and i guess i am envious . ANY help or suggestions are appreciated.
I am at six months and had the same problem with numbness on the underside, from under the glans down to my scrotum. I was, of course, upset about this, and was told that it would "probably" resolve. it was so numb, that i wasn't even sure I was "in." It felt like nothing and, as you might imagine, even worse with a condom. So i guess patience is called for, and I got tired of hearing that word. Well, it did mostly resolve but only very recently. I think this journey is going to take a year for sure.
I also had problems with glans engorgement, which I found even more distressing than the numbness. If i masturbate at a low inflation level (just a few pumps) I find that I do get glans engorgement, so I know its possible. At full inflation, I do lose some sensitivity. If you have trouble with penetration, maybe try squeezing your penis to enhance rigidity when you are trying to penetrate. It will probably hurt (it still does for me). My cylinder tips to go very far into my glans but i do need sexual or manual stimulation to get any engorgement.