Lost Sheep wrote:biomedex3090 wrote:how to use ved? i already ordered one but i dont want to hurt my self how to prevent harm while using ved?
I used a VED pre-op therapeutically (not for sex) to maintain my penis' elasticity, oxygenation and size. I pumped up by estimation and overdid it a little bit a couple of times. I gave myself edema (fluid buildup under the skin) which abated by itself when I quite using the VED a few days. The edema looked much like a blister.
What I did with the VED was this: Pump up until my penis was just a little larger than my best natural erection and I felt a small amount of strain inside the erection. Much like my best natural erections of my youth. As I got more comfortable pumping up to greater degrees of erection, I measured my length (inside the clear VED cylinder) by marking on tape on the cylinder side. (I used clear adhesive tape so I would not make permanent marks on the cylinder.)
I found that my length was about 3/4" (2 cm or so) longer than my normal erections.
I got excited about the "gain". (The gain was transient; the vacuum pulls the penis forward and does not actually lengthen the penis by such large increments.) That excitement led to pumping up to 1" longer and a bit more. I WAS HUGE! inside the cylinder. Impressive. But when I released the vacuum, there was a sagging circle of skin on the shaft of my penis just behind the glans. No pain, but I was alarmed.
I consulted FrankTalk and another member identified my condition as edema and predicted that it would go away after a few days. It did. I also looked up edema and read up on it. There are many possible causes, over-vacuuming is one.
If you go further than producing temporary edema, you run the risk of more serious (and permanent) damage. I know nothing about those consequences and do not want to learn about them first-hand nor do I wish then on you.
So, pump up to your usual size and maybe a tiny bit more. Some tightness in your erection is OK (in my opinion) but do not pump up to the point of discomfort. Do not leave your vacuum on for more than 30 minutes (I actually advocate one minute, then release for a minute, and repeat 15 times for 30 minutes total). Do this twice a day, no more. Lay off if you see edema or broken capillaries (Telangiectasias) evidenced by redness under the skin.
See my post of November 25, 2016 in this thread:
And the answers to my question there. (Second page of responses)
nice thanks for the info
and also do you have to use it with a erect or flaccid ?