Kiawahgolf wrote:I have read where some claimed insurance covered their procedure and others stating it did not. I spoke to someone at Dr Hakky’s office this afternoon and she said insurance would cover the consultation but not the procedure since it’s considered cosmetic. I thought that was very strange. So for those of you that insurance did cover who did you use and what insurance? If I have to pay out of pocket that will make my decision rather quickly at this time.
Thank you!
Most private insurance plus Medicare will only cover the implant if the doctor determines and submits the claim as medically necessary to correct organic ED. Almost all insurances will not cover it for psychological ED, cosmetic, or enhancement reasons. Since you’ve not yet been seen by the doctor, your diagnosis is unknown by the girl in the office. So she probably gave you the worst case possibility. But she also gave you the pathway to find out the real answer.
My advice, schedule the consultation so Dr Hakky so he can arrive at a diagnosis for your ED and his recommendation for solution. His girl already told you that’s covered. And then it’s time to ask the question, is it covered by my insurance.