Asecondtobreak2 wrote:As far as I can tell. Shockwave treatment is complete snake oil. Has done nothing for my ED but certainly hit my bank balance hard enough.
Would anyone say that the implant is a much better solution than balancing pills and injections? I've heard the satisfaction percentages etc. But, if you could choose between a dick that responded to pills or having an implanted guaranteed shaft. Which would you choose?
Almost everyone who has reported having Shockwave treatments have said they only helped for a short time or not at all. I sure wouldn't try them, especially due to the cost.
After fighting ED with pills and injections, getting the implant was a big step. One I wish would have happened sooner. There is no comparison to using pills or injections and having the implant. The implant is so damn close to the natural me. Something no pill or injection can duplicate.