Can you lose size over time even after implanted?

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Re: Can you lose size over time even after implanted?

Postby Canadian_patient » Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:33 pm

alibaba wrote:Last night I pumped as far, long, and hard as i could and made it to 7 1/8th" I showed my wife and she said, " but you used to have 9". REminds me of her first comment after the prostatectomy which was " I can't believe how little it is". You can lose a lot due to ED and the longer time, the more you lose. at first you can get some back, over time and too many breaks, you never regain what you lose after the break. I've taken breaks after burning out on dily pumping wher I only pumped 1/2 dozen times in a year.

Wow man that's scary. So I guess you don't have an implant? You "pump"?

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