danny1553 wrote:Does it get relaxed so it is stretchy and soft? Or maybe in opposite, it shrinks and loses its elasticity?
The problem is that I am one of the “extreme growers”. While flaccid it is barely 3”. When nervous or cold, it is no more than 2” with an extremely poor stretching capability.
However when erected (when I was able to erect) it is 7.3”. While filling with the blood, it takes stages that are associated with elasticity. At the beginning it just gains a bit of length then waits. Then the internal tissue gets more relaxed so it stretches more, etc.
I am afraid that during the surgery a doctor might come to a measurement against my non-relaxed, non-stretchable and short penis, instead of its full length capacity…
Danny, that is the exact predicament I was/am in . Your phrase extreme grower was me. It would grow 2", before the prostatectomy it would grow 3 1/2. Doc. grabbed it, pulled it out and said that is all you will get. I tried to tell him that with the injections it would grow, stop and an hour later grow a bunch more. In the vacuum pump it would grow out to 6 1/2" ( post prostatectomy), I would release the vacuum and pump again and within a minute it would be 7 1/4". It always felt like something relaxes. He told me he would not discuss it. I always felt like some muscle relaxes. Even now with the implant I can pull on it and then all of the sudden it feels like I have won a tug of war and get another inch pull out even though the implant does not allow it. Eid told me 2 years ago he prefers spinal anesthesia because it relaxes the muscles more and allows for a better implant placement. I am convinced now those who complain about a lot of lost length ( me) were growers and the ones who say they lost none were showers. I'd like to heat who was a grower and lost none or a shower and lost if I am wrong. A good doc is key I would say. Dr. Bullock told me he did not give a damn if I kept a 210° towel on it preop and had 10" and as soon as it hit the cold air in surgery it shrank to 3 1/2", 3 1/2" would be what I got and he did not care because it would be hard 3 1/2". Needless to say that jerk did not do my implant. I chose another arrogant jerk that was almost as bad unfortunately. Good luck. Discuss it with your doc. If he won't discuss it, find another doc!