Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby IndianRasputin » Mon Dec 02, 2024 9:22 am

nuance wrote:[quote=“Jage64”] Let's face it, probably less than 1% of men getting an implant ever stumble on FT. Most men go to their insurance urologist, get the pep talk and schedule the surgery. We're a fart in the wind here. FT is populated by the researchers and investigators, we're the ones that took it upon ourselves to find out more, see what other people felt, read journals and form our own opinions.

I didn’t think penile implants are that common, less than 1% seems low. With all the pain and complications this procedure entails, I can’t imagine the 99% not looking for answers on the internet.[/quote]

Implants are awesome and I promote them as much as possible! I got a good sized implant and am happy!
Tactra 27 cm 13mm diameter

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