P-fracture wrote:Also, another thing to consider beyond the selection of a doctor… Since I am federal government employee, the device and procedure ARE NOT covered by federal health insurance. It would be covered if I was a congressman or senator. (I wonder if its covered by Obama care.)
The Congress and Senate super majority are busy making sure we are cock holed with our own health care so we do not exceed their own supreme coverage. I've been hearing the rumor for 6 months that medicare soon will discontinue coverage for implants due to the cost and revisions. Seems every old codger in the doctor's office asks me about it. Sometimes I wonder if the doctors are telling them that to get them off their butt to sign on for a plasticized dick. I have no idea, but if C & S can screw something up, I am sure that is the only damn thing they will accomplish unless they can find a reason to send our kids to slaughter to keep the war machine profitable.
I looked into ACA plans.
1. I did not qualify.
2. None could tell me if it covered penile prosthetic implants until I received the actual policy. Same crap regular brokers told me.