Raycaba wrote: Not sure how to move on and the fear that having to explain this procedure scares me to be with another woman.
I understand how bad it feels when you meet with people who know about your most private issues. Release of medical condition is not allowed without the consent of the person himself. Not only the implant, even the prostate surgery is something that you may not find necessary to expose to someone other than your partner.
I think the guys here posted many different opinions, which will help you decide how to handle it. However, I see your comment here about revealing this to another woman. If you considering putting an end to your current marriage and find another woman to start a new life with, the implant isn't a problem. You can always find someone who can understand it and love you whether you have an implant or not. But the important thing is to address this issue with your wife first. Are you able to move on and throw this issue behind? Or would it still be something that may affect your relationship for long time. If this is the only negative issue in your marriage life, you may need to discuss it openly with your wife, but if it adds to other existing issues that make you wonder if another woman will accept you with the implant, then it is something very serious.