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Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:18 am
by Sensei
I realize that there has been another thread on this topic but it was not very extensive, so I am asking again.

I am scheduled for an implant in just under 3 weeks. The surgeon is highly experienced and world class. He will be using a Titan device, but I do not know which size or kind.

I am growing somewhat concerned about the ability of the device to sufficiently resolve Peyronie’s which developed about a year or so ago, well before my ED.

I have seen before and after photos by reputable doctors that show the condition fixed. However, I’ve also read conflicting reports from some medical journals where one study claims that satisfaction rates for patients that have both PD and ED are the same as ones for men with only ED, while another study makes the opposite claim.

In my situation, I have about a 40-degree downward curve. My physician is confident that the implant will immediately correct a significant portion of it, and that pumping up the device over time will result in additional improvement. He did tell me that if I wanted to, he could combine a ligation procedure which further ensures a straightened penis, but loss of size is a consequence. Plus, the overall surgery time is longer which makes one a little more vulnerable to infection.

Any feedback on the following questions would be most helpful.

More specifically, if you received an implant and had Peyronie’s along with ED, what were the results? That is,
1) did it completely resolve the curvature,
2) not completely resolve the curvature but get it to a level where it did not interfere with sexual activity, or
3) fail to make a noticeable improvement?

If the answer is "no real improvement", what steps did you take to resolve it, and how did that work out?

Thank you.

Re: Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 6:54 am
by Larry10625
Sensei wrote:I realize that there has been another thread on this topic but it was not very extensive, so I am asking again.

I am scheduled for an implant in just under 3 weeks. The surgeon is highly experienced and world class. He will be using a Titan device, but I do not know which size or kind.

I am growing somewhat concerned about the ability of the device to sufficiently resolve Peyronie’s which developed about a year or so ago, well before my ED.

I have seen before and after photos by reputable doctors that show the condition fixed. However, I’ve also read conflicting reports from some medical journals where one study claims that satisfaction rates for patients that have both PD and ED are the same as ones for men with only ED, while another study makes the opposite claim.

In my situation, I have about a 40-degree downward curve. My physician is confident that the implant will immediately correct a significant portion of it, and that pumping up the device over time will result in additional improvement. He did tell me that if I wanted to, he could combine a ligation procedure which further ensures a straightened penis, but loss of size is a consequence. Plus, the overall surgery time is longer which makes one a little more vulnerable to infection.

Any feedback on the following questions would be most helpful.

More specifically, if you received an implant and had Peyronie’s along with ED, what were the results? That is,
1) did it completely resolve the curvature,
2) not completely resolve the curvature but get it to a level where it did not interfere with sexual activity, or
3) fail to make a noticeable improvement?

If the answer is "no real improvement", what steps did you take to resolve it, and how did that work out?

Thank you.

Sensei; Let me first start by saying, I do not suffer from Peyronie's. The patient satisfaction rate for ED patients with implants is VERY HIGH. If I were you, I would consider that information VERY ENCOURAGING. The Coloplast Titan seems to be the gold standard for the treatment. Some with a more minor case could benefit from the AMS but, the more serious cases need the rigidity of the Titan. Good luck with your treatment. :)


Re: Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 8:04 am
by nudist
sent you a PM

Re: Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 4:38 pm
by Hrvat21
Nudist did you recover some of your size lost by peyronies?

Re: Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 4:44 pm
by nudist
Hrvat21 wrote:Nudist did you recover some of your size lost by peyronies?

not yet.
before peyronies i was right at 7 1/2. my peyronies had gotten pretty severe so lots of plaque. after the implant, with a relaxing incision about half way along the left side where the greatest bend was, it;s pretty straight and right at 6".

Re: Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 9:54 am
by Donnie1954
Nudist my brother,
I'm so glad you are doing well. Please keep us informed about your progress. Welcome bionic brother.

Re: Implants and Peyronie's

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 12:41 am
by oldbeek
I had a pyronies bend right a the center point bent to right only 15 degrees. AMS700 straightened it right out.