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Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:32 am
by Ruktitan
Hey guys. I am quite young and have noticed some thinning of my hair. Ive been researching finesteride and some of the awful side effects. However the impotence and shrinking penis sides, how would they effect a implanted penis?
Can any implantees comment on this? Does it shrink erectile tissues even if they have an implant in them?

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:51 am
It does not shrink the tissue, it may change the ratio of smooth muscle content and collagen.

This does not happen with the large majority, though if it happens it will still change your tissue (most probably not leading to shrinkage).

But there is a good chance you might experience a bit lower libido while on the drug.

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:12 pm
by ED2013
I am on finasteride and haven’t noticed any difference in my penis. If anything, it boosted my testosterone. The side effects are rare. I belong to a hair loss forum as well. Pm me if you want.

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 4:16 pm
Well, they still do appear.

Finasteride is the reason I need to get the implant, same for dustyknox for example.

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 6:33 pm
by Ruktitan wrote:Well, they still do appear.

Finasteride is the reason I need to get the implant, same for dustyknox for example.

Do you 100% put this down to the finesteride? Surely injections would still work if your libido was lessened?

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:44 am
1000% the propecia.

I got fibrosis of the cavernosum and spongiosum.

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 9:17 pm
by Dustyknox
After taking Propecia for several months, I had the crash that many people describe... no libido, impotence, etc. When I looked down at my penis, it seriously looked like a child’s penis. It was absolutely terrifying. So much smaller in the flaccid state. I was completely impotent. My doc gave me a cialis prescription, and he told me to masturbate at least a couple times a week to keep the blood flow going back into the penis. His exact words were, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” I truly believe this advice saved my penis length. Today I am still the same size as I was before this tragedy :)

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:14 am
by Hawkman
There are many relatively young men on that attribute their Peyronies Disease, shrinkage, and fibrosis to an immediate result of using Finasteride. While that does not constitute proof it is strong enough anecdotal evidence that I would likely never use it.

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:14 pm
by QuestionGuy
To the OP: Penile issues are the tip of the iceburg as far as the Finesteride is concerned, however, as has been pointed out in this thread, the reports of the issues are anecdotal and until someone correlates the numbers, there is always the possibility that the people with issues "also just happen to be using propecia". I was the "rock hard 4-6 hour a night" erection guy 20's-40's. Then I Used propecia. Now I have extreme peronies scar tissue and ED issues. Do I blame it on finersteride? Becoming middle aged? Damaging my penis by being a sex fiend and Shagging for 6 hours a night non-stop for 25 years? .......or all of the above?

As far as the poster who said Finesteride increases testosterone. This is not true. It is an anti-androgen and reduces DHT (amongst other things). The problem is endocrinology is not as simple as all that. Some of the same metabolites of testosterone that mess up hair ...also help erections. I'm no expert, but I've read that Propeca is the result of the discovery of a tribe of men who had androgynous features, but really great hair. When they found them to be low in DHT, big pharma new they had a potential goldmine if they could create an anti-androgen to inhibit DHT. They knew a "baldness cure" could be held up in the approval process forever, so they started with it as a the prostate shrinking cancer medicine. Again: not sure if that's true or an urban legend.

Bottom Line: Use it at your own risk.

Re: Finesteride/propecia penis shrink?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by ED2013
It did raise my free testosterone. I was tested and also felt the difference. When it comes to meds, any kind of meds, they work differently on everybody.