18 year old trying to accept the destiny
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:44 pm
I'm trying to accept that I will need to do the implant , but I am really concerned about couple things.
1-Does the sensation change? If so does it return?
2-Does the head of the penis get hard when you pump? If not ,when you get sucked or start fucking does the head get blood to it?
3-Can you cum with vaginal sex?
4-Does cuming get easier with time?
I am 18 and I only had sex three times and the last time were more than 1 year ago. My whole sex life will be with an implant and I am concerned if I will be able to get pleasure from fucking and these things I listed. I keeep contemplating suicide because it's too difficult to think about living my whole life with this. I just doesn't know if I will ever have good sex again
1-Does the sensation change? If so does it return?
2-Does the head of the penis get hard when you pump? If not ,when you get sucked or start fucking does the head get blood to it?
3-Can you cum with vaginal sex?
4-Does cuming get easier with time?
I am 18 and I only had sex three times and the last time were more than 1 year ago. My whole sex life will be with an implant and I am concerned if I will be able to get pleasure from fucking and these things I listed. I keeep contemplating suicide because it's too difficult to think about living my whole life with this. I just doesn't know if I will ever have good sex again