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How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:51 am
by Namirrah
I'm wondering if any one can tell me how much of the implant is inside the body and if there is any simple formula, like bpsfl of x = y sized implant with z penis length expectation/maximum
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:16 am
by DougAnd
The surgeon makes a cut into the part of your penis that is essentially outside of the body but not exactly. He/she then measures the part that is completely inside of your body called proximal. Next the part outside is measured (from the inside) is called distal. This should go 1/3 to 2/5ths inside of your glans but never includes the glans full length. Those 2 measurements added together equal the length of your prosthesis.
Logically your fully inflated implant should give you about the same length as your distal measurement but not exactly. Add 1/4 to 1/2 inch for the rest of your glans (everyone is different).
But it does not really work that way. My distal measurement both left and right was 10 cm equals about 4 inches. Add 1/2 inch for the glans gives you 4 1/2 inches. At 7 months I am at 6 3/4 inches.
So the answer is that as far as I can tell there is no 1 to 1 correlation between the inside and the outside measurements. If any one knows of a formula I'd love to have it.
Look at the implants lengths noted on many brother's bio (beneath their posts) and the lengths they have and you'll see a very wide variety of lengths for even those who have the exact same implant.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:23 am
by DougAnd
I'd like to add this observation. On 2 different occasions while I waited in the room for the Doctor I toyed with an actual LGX display. Both were air not saline fluids but....
I pumped and deflated repeatedly. Each time the prosthesis itself did not change length or girth noticeably just got stiff then soft. It was very much not like a balloon. Very rigid when hard very flexible when deflated.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:32 pm
by Lost Sheep
Namirrah wrote:if there is any simple formula, like bpsfl of x = y sized implant with z penis length expectation/maximum
There is not.
The amount of the implant that goes inside your body and never shows up as external penis length depends on the shape of your pelvic bones. Specifically the depth of your crus. This dimension varies from man to man. You cannot change this dimension through exercise or any other practical means. Essentially, it is set in bone (as opposed to "Set in stone").
The amount of flesh between your pubic bone and your skin at the pubis (the "pubic fat pad") also varies, but you can affect this by gaining or losing weight in this area.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 12:39 pm
by Lost Sheep
DougAnd wrote:Each time the prosthesis itself did not change length or girth noticeably just got stiff then soft. It was very much not like a balloon. Very rigid when hard very flexible when deflated.
Think of your typical fire hose or garden hose. When the water is turned off at the faucet/sillcock the hose can be flexed fairly easily. Turn the water on, and the hose gets stiffer. (Note: Only hoses made with a special weave actually can get longer, but I am not talking about them.)
Every fireman knows, you lay hose into a building, through doorways and around corners, etc, that you don't turn the hydrant on until AFTER the hose is laid. Pulling a stiff (hydraulically pressurized) hose around corners is well-nigh impossible (and this is aside from the weight of the water, the hose simply resists bending).
Edited: My implant is the same as DougAnd's (post, two below this one). 18cm tubes with 3 rear tip extenders and my measurable/usable penis length is 6" pubis to glans/meatus.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2019 6:07 pm
by Bandit
The short answer to the question i believe you asked is approximately 1/3 the implant is inside the body. So, if you get an implant of say 21cm which equals about 8.3 inches overall. And if 2/3 the implant is in the penis from the pelvis you should measure 14cm or about 5.5. Inches. Like others said there are variables but this is a close estimate. So your bone pressed measurement would approximately 5.5 inches. Hope this helps.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:02 pm
by DougAnd
mine is 21 cm and now I am 6 3/4" fully pumped. Shows how tricky this is.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 1:11 am
by alibaba
Long Dong = long implant
Short Dong = short implant
Very similar to the relationship between big waist = long belt.
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:33 am
by David_R

+ 1
Re: How does implant length correlate to penis length
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 3:00 pm
by justanotherdrumber
An 18 centimeter implant is a very common application.
It is is about 7 inches + possibly 1-2 cm RTE.
Add 3/4" to 1 inch for the Glans = 9" +/-
Roughly 1/3 of total implant length of 9" inside the body [ 3 inches ]
Roughly 6" external.
You're probably not gonna show 8 inches on an 18 cm device.
If you're not of lean build, then you might only show 5 inches, possibly even less.