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Update on My Implant of 1/11/12

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:22 am
by ArtFirn
I was implanted with a 21 cm AMS 700 LGX on 1/11/12. Today is the 3 week anniversary. Have some penis, and scrotal pain but not too bad. Had a follow up visit with the doctor yesterday. He said everything is looking good. He made another appointment for me on 3/13/12, at which time he intends to first activate the device. That will be 9 weeks after surgery. It sounds like some of you are pumping after 2 or 3 weeks. I certainly wouldn't want to start pumping yet as sensitive as the area is. He said in his experience it is better to wait till all swelling is gone and the area is much less sensitve before activating. I asked him what size erection I could expect when everything is stretched. He would not be specific because of the considerable impact of the fat pad in the pubic area. I am about 25 lbs overweight and if I lost that weight I could possible show another inch or so. He did say I could reasonably expect to lose an inch from my per op flacid stretch size of 6 3/4". If that is the case and it is as firm as a railroad spike I will be very happy.
One consideration I had not heard on this forum before is the need to be extra careful and advise future Drs. and Dentists that you have an implant. My Dr said that teeth cleaning is particularly bad as a lot of bacteria is released into the blood stream and it is important that antibiotics are prescribed.
This made me wonder about oral sex. Do you think you need to have a bottle of antibiotics on your night stand? or is this an activity that needs to be avoided?
If anyone has any thoughts on this.

Re: Update on My Implant of 1/11/12

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:22 pm
by antelope

It is my understanding that anyone with any kind of "artificial" body part should take antibiotics prior to virtually any dental procedure. I have a porcine (pig tissue) aortic heart valve and my dentist won't even touch me without confirming that I have taken the prescribed dosage that very morning. I've only forgotten one time and the dentist had me take some he keeps on hand just in case.

The reasoning is that dental procedures, including cleaning, usually result in little cuts to the gums. During the cleaning process especially, tiny bits of plaque and tartar (nasty, nasty stuff!) that are being scraped loose can then enter the bloodstream. This is not really good in any case; it's very bad for anyone with a body part not their own. I believe this would also apply to something with a human organ transplant.

Does oral sex carry the same risk? I'm prettty sure it does not. None of my doctors suggested that I had any restrictions--from gym to board room to bedroom--after recovering from my heart surgery. I'll be interested to hear if any of the guys with penile implants have been given a warning about oral sex.

This is a good question to ask your doctor. Let us know what he or she says about it.

Baton Rouge