here's the info about the implant that I got:
http://www.amslgx.comI found that if you do everything that the implant company recommends, including inflating it to the max at least twice a day for as long as you can take it, and keeping it worked so that you avoid the scar tissue taking over the new chambers and elsewhere.... that you will have LOTS of success. I have done everything recommended and can get it pumped up to the maximum length that my doctor said I'd have. I got a 21 cm. LGX and 3 cm. worth of extenders for the body end of the implant. 1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches. Therefore, my 24 cm. = 9.4488168 inches. So let's say 9.5 inches for the ease of use here. I'm am not sure how far back the implant is set into the body, with the extenders, etc. (seemed to be set in pretty far back) But I now have nearly 7 inches and about 6" circumference at 14 months post-op. Almost scary big! When the new chambers of the LGX went thru the center of my old Corpora Cavernosa, the old CC then became walls around the new chambers, increasing my girth dramatically. By inflating and working my new chambers on a regular basis (by "working", i mean basically the action of masturbation. THIS is how you keep the scar tissue from cementing in the chambers. This is SO IMPORTANT GUYS! Sorry if you have a problem with masturbation, then you should NOT get an implant... this is that IMPORTANT!) I merely do it as an exercise and push the ends of the chambers into my GLANS (head of penis) often, so that it's good and ready when the job at hands needs to get done. It has been a lot of work but SO WORTH IT. I take a shower at the gym everyday and work it for 20 minutes (yes, private showers) and then I work it at night, in privacy, for about 20 to 30 minutes.) I didn't whine and stop inflating when it hurt at first and neither should you. If you're going to get the implant, then promise yourself that you'll do everything needed to get the implant as strong and ready as it can get for the very important task that it was designed to do. Sex! You need to make a commitment. If you fail in your commitment, then your implant will not be as good as it could have been and you will have nobody to blame but yourself.
I've read many reports on here from men who complain about this and that ... loss of size, not being able to get more than 5 or 6 pumps into their implant. I usually find that these guys DID NOT DO THE WORK NECESSARY to have a successful implant. Granted, the doctor needs to give you the correctly sized implant to get your length back and YOU need to get the Drs. assurance that this will be done. BUT YOU NEED TO WORK IT once it's installed!!! (has this point sunk in yet?)
I have now gotten as many as 80 pumps into my implant. How do I get so many pumps into it? I have WORKED IT and kept the scar tissue from taking over and cementing this thing in so there is LOTS OF ROOM TO EXPAND. I think that I pretty much maxed out the reservoir bag BUT with the 80 pumps, this thing gets HUGE! Exciting as heck. My life will never be the same as it used to be.
Implants CAN be a good thing when you do it with a good doctor, assurances from that doctor, and taking care of it as it's supposed to be taken care of. Seriously!
Wishing you all happy and hard times!
I am not a representative of any company and individual penis' may vary. I did the work, it worked for me and I just want you to know how to make yours work as well as it can, if YOU will do the work.