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peyronies results

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:34 am
by SpiritWhirl
for those who suffered from peyronies and then were unplanted how does your length and girth now stack up to pre implant and pre peyronies size

Re: peyronies results

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:08 am
by vajim1
I am only 7 weeks out since I was implanted and I am about 1/22 to 3/4 of an inch shorter. My girth is slightly larger though. I will say that I have had more issues than most guys without peyronies which I think is to be expected because of the scar tissue that has to be removed. I still think I will regain more of my length as I continue to cycle daily.and get closer to my original 7,25+ inches. :D

Re: peyronies results

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 9:33 am
by Greg1956
I developed Peyronies following Prostate Cancer and Prostatectonmy. Following all of the my penis got smaller. My lifelong erect size had been 6.5"x5.5". Afterwards it was 5"x5". As the Peyronies got worse it got down to 4.5" but girth stayed the same.

I am including three pix. One shows the curve from Peyronies prior to implant surgery. Another is 6 months (outdoor shot) post implant and still has some curve. The last photo is a month ago, two years after implant and it is mostly straight. From a combination of the implant and aggressive cycling to gain size, my penis is now back to its natural size of 6.5"x5.5".

Re: peyronies results

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:01 pm
by Snoozdoc
5 weeks post-op. Pretty severe PD.

Still very curved and tips short of glans :-/. Op report stated too much fibrosis (for this surgeon i guess). Not impressed. Just hope it improves, but doubtful and pretty sure I will need a more competent surgeon to redo it.

Re: peyronies results

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 9:42 am
by Biker60
Those photos are post op? Was grafting offered where the bend is more severe? I changed surgeons because I needed one that will graft and do implants at the same time.

Re: peyronies results

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:19 am
by Bamaboy101
I am at 5 weeks post implant, Dr Andrew Kramer. I had undergone the Xiaflex regime for Peyronies, with 6 injections over 6 months. The xiaflex straightened out the bend some, but it came back. I also lost length and girth during the xiaflex series of shots.

Following the implant, I have lost even more length, and the girth of the AMS 700 CX os not as thick as the standard erection was. Looks better flaccid, but not erect. I also still have a bend (upwards) when I pump up the implant. Dr Kramer feels that it will straighten over the next 6-9 months, but I am not sure about it.

It is sad that we go through these things, and there is no way to make things close to whatthey were least the implant should stop any further shrinkage... I wonder if the Titan implant would have worked better.