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Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:43 pm
by barrosa

How many of you who start taking pills.. then injections and now have an implant would have prefered to be implanted at the begining?

In my case pills works sometimes and injections works well but as i am young it is hard to use injections. Its impossible to have sex not premeditated.

Implants is definetely the best way for having a normal life better than pills or injections?

Thank guys!

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:52 pm
by notaes
I started taking pills they didn’t work that well. Then moved to injections. I have had good and plenty of bad with injecting Trimix. Both sides of my penis now have scarring from the injections. I also have a slight curvature that I did not have due to scarring from injecting a Trimix. Finally told my urologist I do not want to keep abusing my penis with injections. Look where it’s gotten me. I told him I want the implant done so I don’t have to do this anymore. My advice to anyone using the injections monitor your penis closely! M6 implant is scheduled for January.

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:02 pm
by tomas1
I went the normal route.
When my ED started, I was unemployed and 59 years old so implants were out of the question.
Also, I took meds for blood pressure and cholesterol, so I was uninsurable (it's true).

Pills worked until I was older then I went to injections.
I really had good luck with them until my luck ran out.
The rest is history.

My wife wishes I'd skipped pills and injections, but that was not feasible.

In retrospect, I did hit it big in the bubble, but that burst.
I guess I should have taken some $ out before I lost it. I don't think I knew about implants then anyhow.

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:09 pm
by barrosa
tomas1 wrote:I went the normal route.
When my ED started, I was unemployed and 59 years old so implants were out of the question.
Also, I took meds for blood pressure and cholesterol, so I was uninsurable (it's true).

Pills worked until I was older then I went to injections.
I really had good luck with them until my luck ran out.
The rest is history.

My wife wishes I'd skipped pills and injections, but that was not feasible.

In retrospect, I did hit it big in the bubble, but that burst.
I guess I should have taken some $ out before I lost it. I don't think I knew about implants then anyhow.

So now if pills or injections would still working for you... you would have prefer using pills instead be implanted? Or for you and your wife the implant was better than the other options?

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:02 pm
by Gt1956
barrosa wrote:
tomas1 wrote:I went the normal route.
When my ED started, I was unemployed and 59 years old so implants were out of the question.
Also, I took meds for blood pressure and cholesterol, so I was uninsurable (it's true).

Pills worked until I was older then I went to injections.
I really had good luck with them until my luck ran out.
The rest is history.

My wife wishes I'd skipped pills and injections, but that was not feasible.

In retrospect, I did hit it big in the bubble, but that burst.
I guess I should have taken some $ out before I lost it. I don't think I knew about implants then anyhow.

So now if pills or injections would still working for you... you would have prefer using pills instead be implanted? Or for you and your wife the implant was better than the other options?

You need to view all of it in perspective.
First, pills will eventually stop working. When my doctor told me that. I thought he was crazy. They worked so good I couldn't imagine that they would lose their effectiveness. They quit working just as my doctor said they would.
Second, I talked with him about injections & suppositories. He wasn't a fan of either method & said that they would stop working also. He actually gave me good advice. I learned later about the scar tissue & peyronies risk.
Third, here is where I think he failed me. I had to learn about penile implants & then ask him about them. He confirmed what I learned. That implants have a high satifaction rate amongst men.
So here I am. Waiting for authorization from my insurance company. If they won't cover the implant then Medicare will once I turn 65.
If I had it all to do over again. I would of arraigned to "fail" all of the insurance covered treatments so that I could of moved to the implant treatment option faster.
Barrosa, I don't know if this answers your question or not. But basically while the pills did succeed to a degree. They just postponed the inevitable need for an implant. Now I'm older & have more age related conditions that I didn't have before. Pretty much the pills took about 10 years of satisfying sex from me & cost me a bunch of money.

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:44 pm
by tomas1
To barrosa,
I was content using injections. Pills made me very sluggish the day I used them. My wife hated it when that happened, I could also feel a bit off all day when I used pills.

Injections didn't affect me as much, but she didn't want me to play golf that day.
With implant, she doesn't notice a difference. A problem is since I've stopped T shots, my libido makes it easy to go several days between sex.

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:51 pm
by tomas1
I used pills when my GP prescribed them.
When they stopped working (abruptly), I asked mu uro to get me injections.

Right out of the box, he suggested an implant.
I supposed he wanted to cash in and really don't know if that was his motive.

I was very lucky with injections since I didn't get curvature of scarring. I injected for over 4 years till they didn't work anymore.

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:06 pm
by SteveSW
I am currently injecting, and plan to continue for the next few months until I can work out (insurance etc) ny implant some time next year. I well know there is a risk with injecting, since it could make my Peyronie's worse, but having full on sex again makes it worth the risk. At least for me.

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:07 pm
by zandro
barrosa wrote:Hey,

How many of you who start taking pills.. then injections and now have an implant would have prefered to be implanted at the begining?

In my case pills works sometimes and injections works well but as i am young it is hard to use injections. Its impossible to have sex not premeditated.

Implants is definetely the best way for having a normal life better than pills or injections?

Thank guys!

I'm around your age and had many of the same questions before (recently) being implanted, happy to discuss one on one, so feel free to pm, I haven't even gotten to the point of being able to have sex yet (still recovering) and having gone through all of the above I wouldve done the implanted before I ever took my first pill if I knew then what I know now

Re: Pills vs Injections vs Implant

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:06 am
by oneperson
I am in the same ship than zandro. I was implanted almost 7 weeks ago. I still havent probe my new dick (I hope to try tonight, I will tell how it goes). Still some pain and some discomfort. I begun to face my ED with Levitra, which gave me poor erections. Then I used viagra, which worked very well but heavy headaches. Then I tried Cialis, which gave me poorer result than Viagra. Then, injections, which if I took small doses, I couldn't get erections, but if I took enough dosis to get them, they lasted more than 3 hours, and an unsupportable pain from the first minute, which made sex something to hate. Then returned to Viagra, which gave me good erections 80% of the time, and I learnt to deal with headaches. Tiil one day, the viagra didn't get the erection, once and once again, during one month.

The most curious thing about my ED, it was that I had good 'during sleep erections'. The problem with my ED begun with my health, 28 years ago, that made a BIG phicologycal damage in me. There were times that I had an erection and in the very moment I begun to kiss my wife, it gone. The fair to lose the erection, made me to lose it. I tried psycoterapists, but no avail.

So I decided the implant. And while is soon for me to tell if I have made the right thing, what is irrefutable is without implant, I couldn't have sex anymore, and the divorce was inminent. Now, at least, I have a chance. And if just half of the things I read here are true, I think the only that I will regret is haven't done 10 years ago.