warrenw wrote:Thanks for posting, I just watched the video. It's a relief to see how easy it was to replace just the pump, that's the component that I worry about failing.
It looks like he replaced a Genesis pump with another Genesis pump. Did he comment on the Genesis pump compared to the newer Touch pump? And did he offer any instructions on pumping technique to avoid stressing the pump bulb?
Yes, genesis/legacy for same.
He still prefers this model over the one touch for reliability.
We agreed that I would modify my pumping technique from full pumps, about 10-12 for full erection, to more, smaller compressions, up to 30 needed.
I am now favoring squeezing in the front area of the pump instead of the back where the crack appeared.
Since the cylinders were not replaced I could fully inflate same day.
Truly the most discomfort was from burning during the first few post surgery urinations.
Second was from razor burns from shaving
The catheter was removed immediately post surgery
The sting from the new scrotum cut is minor.
Though it is suggested staying a day or two to monitor against infection, I could have traveled home the same day!
Though he was aware of my suggestion to use baby socks, newborn or 0-3months, I turn mine inside out, against rubbing irritation due to having a larger flaccid penis and to catch any dribbling, he had not yet seen it demonstrated or recommended it. I shared it with him in person. I think he may now suggest it if his patients experience either of these conditions
I am very fortunate to have great insurance coverage so my only expense is for traveling
Replacing the pump is such a minor procedure that it probably could’ve been done by a different doctor but I really appreciate Kramer’s efforts to avoid infection and to assure that everything is still right. No surprise replacements either. He is certainly worth the extra travel expense.
For proximity to his new location , 15 minutes from Baltimore airport, I stayed at the best western plus on Dorsey rd. Quite adequate.
Also his new clinic offers an included mobile patient service that picked me up from the hotel, took me to the clinic, stayed at the clinic during the entire procedure, took me to the pharmacy where a prescription was waiting, took me shopping for some food, and then took me back to the hotel. Very, very nice, indeed. Apparently when Dr. Kramer joined this clinic he introduced a new aspect there, out of town patients, so they started offering the included service because he has so many of them.
Also Danielle still handles his administrative support but the clinic has a separate group of people that handle all the insurance aspects and that makes for a smoother process too.