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Preparing for surgery, losing weight, getting fit, experiences?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:52 pm
by frwmw1
To prepare for implant surgery, I'd take it that losing weight, particularly stomach fat,
and getting fit, particularly doing cardio work, is a good idea.

Any experiences?

Re: Preparing for surgery, losing weight, getting fit, experiences?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:50 am
by marlow13
It was an excellent idea for me. My surgery was more than 4 months away than my initial appointment, which gave me time to get into even better shape than I was already. Just getting my weight down even more made me feel like I didn't have to strain as much to get up with perineal pain after my procedure. Plus it made getting in out of the tub easier cause you're gonna want to pump and soak in the tub to soften the bulb of the pump. Plus you'll just feel better and more confident after you are looking better and know you can perform anytime, anywhere, for as long as you want.

Re: Preparing for surgery, losing weight, getting fit, experiences?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 10:19 am
by alfa88
I took off about ~40 lbs in ~2 years prior to surgery. Mostly in hopes that maybe that was the cause of a venous leak. It wasn't but I went from the obese BMI rating to slightly overweight. That may have helped in enduring the surgery and recovery. Who knows but it couldn't hurt. I did 4 pretty simple things. Slow way down on sugar intake, give up the daily alcohol, cut out white bread and white rice, daily walks >mile. It's good to not see that big belly any more.

Re: Preparing for surgery, losing weight, getting fit, experiences?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:24 pm
by Hrc714
One aspect of getting in shape is a strong desire develops to stay that way. I was rather pleased with the docters comment on my implant video, regarding my physical condition. Do what you can to get in shape and you will feel so much better overall.

Re: Preparing for surgery, losing weight, getting fit, experiences?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:57 pm
by tomas1
I didn't have problems with weight or overall fitness. 5'9 155, but I did use the VED everyday until the day of surgery.