Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:39 am
Hi is it possible to still have fillers to increase girth after you have had a implant or would they puncture the implant?
support group helping men deal with Erectile Dysfunction.
FMLFML85 wrote:Pau1pau1 wrote:Hi is it possible to still have fillers to increase girth after you have had a implant or would they puncture the implant?
Yes I had mine done after I was implanted. I was also worried about getting my cylinders punctured but it seemed to turn out good (had the procedure done 6 months ago). Apparently men who have the implant respond better to the filler then men without the implant. Without the implant the flaccid penis retracts forcing some of the filler to leave the shaft. Since the implant prevents your flaccid from retracting the filler is able to get a better hold inside of the shaft.
FMLFML85 wrote:
Yes I had mine done after I was implanted. I was also worried about getting my cylinders punctured but it seemed to turn out good (had the procedure done 6 months ago). Apparently men who have the implant respond better to the filler then men without the implant. Without the implant the flaccid penis retracts forcing some of the filler to leave the shaft. Since the implant prevents your flaccid from retracting the filler is able to get a better hold inside of the shaft.
FMLFML85 wrote:Mine was well distributed but I was warned it isn’t abnormal to have a lump or dip. I had a silicon/collagen injection done. The product needs to set for a month before you have sex or some may move a bit. I do have one dip near the base but it dosnt look abnormal too me. A lot of natural erections are not completely symmetrical. I would be a lot more worried of the women finding the pump of the implant. My SO knows everything about me and she enjoys all aspects of sex with me and my member.