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Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:00 am
by riseagain
I'm 63 yrs old and just saw the Doc about getting an implant. After doing a cystoscopy he recommend getting a Urolift before the implant due to the BPH. He said it will help urine flow and also ejaculation. At the moment I have a small amount of retrograde ejaculation. He mentioned that my wife will the results of the Urolit,(me too more volume)

Has any one else had this done either before or after the implant.

Re: Urolift

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:21 am
by Masonjames
I've had a Urolift before the implant. It helped with urine flow but not ejaculation's. What i mean by that is the ability to ejaculate. Cuming itself might be better but it didn't help delayed ejackulation. Having said that, the Urolift was a great decision and would recommend it to anyone with BPH
The implant was a great choice too.

Re: Urolift

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 11:25 am
by Jake xyz
I have not spoken to my Dr about this yet as I'm only 6 weeks post op. But I had my prostate out and as you know, that can lead to incontinence. I was about 90 percent continent before my implant surgery. Now I am at 99.9%, so it appears the implant is helping impede the fire hose I had after prostate removal (from prostate cancer). I'm saying this, because if you have restricted flow now, the implant might make it even more restricted.

Re: Urolift

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 12:09 pm
by graymare
If you do a search in franktalk your will find the Urolift topic has been discussed at length before. I will not re-write my entry but will summarize it by saying mine didn't work. I was not a good candidate but I think the urologist got kickbacks every time he performed one so he recommended I try it.

Re: Urolift

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:10 pm
by nerdynerd
Have you researched Rezum or aquablation? My urologist told me that he had outstanding success with aquablation but I was his only patient who did not have such success. I had to pay out of pocket to boot and ended up with TURP. You would have to check your insurance and find a urologist who is skilled in these alternative procedures.

Re: Urolift

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:30 pm
by riseagain
Just wondering if anyone else had a Urolift before implant

Re: Urolift

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:53 pm
by Masonjames
riseagain wrote:Just wondering if anyone else had a Urolift before implant

See my post above. I had the Urolift before my implant