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Insurance for out-of-town patients in US

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:13 pm
by username_taken29
If you are a Canadian patient and get surgery in the US, it seems like infections can take 2-3 weeks to surface.

What happens if you have already returned back to Canada and discover the infection after a few weeks.

I know you'd probably have to go back to the US surgeon to temporarily get a salvage procedure done.

Is there insurance that one can take out to cover the hospital stay, etc?

It would otherwise seem like the costs could easily blow up without insurance.


Re: Insurance for out-of-town patients in US

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 10:21 pm
by newbie443
username_taken29 wrote:If you are a Canadian patient and get surgery in the US, it seems like infections can take 2-3 weeks to surface.

What happens if you have already returned back to Canada and discover the infection after a few weeks.

I know you'd probably have to go back to the US surgeon to temporarily get a salvage procedure done.

Is there insurance that one can take out to cover the hospital stay, etc?

It would otherwise seem like the costs could easily blow up without insurance.


Surgeo has cash pay for penile implants with some really good doctors. They include a third party 25k insurance for the first year. You might check them out. I have not used them nor do I know anyone who has so I can't give any other info.

Re: Insurance for out-of-town patients in US

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:22 am
by ViaSwiss
As the above poster said, Surgeo is a great option. Dr Blick will also offer some sort of "free" fix if its within 90 days.