My Story
Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:58 am
Hi everyone! First I just want to say thank you. I stumbled upon this page a couple weeks ago and it’s changed my outlook on life. While I’ve heard the term penile prosthetic or implant at some point over the past 20+ years of fighting ED, I never really understood what it was. The picture in my head was some sort of dildo that would more or less replace your dick or maybe something more like a penis pump where there’s some clunky device you have to use…I dunno, but after reading countless stories on here and seeing the outcome for those that have been willing to share pictures, I have to say again, thank you.
I’ve had ED since my first sexual encounters. In fact, I’m pretty sure every single first encounter I’ve ever had with a new girl was a failure. Most of the time the second and third attempts were as well (if they stuck around that long). I went to doctors and a urologist who all refused to even perform some basic testing, told me it was probably psychological since I was young and handed me some Cialis. The Cialis and at other times Viagra were great…at giving me huge migraine-level headaches, back pain, and stuffy nose for a week after taking them, unfortunately they did basically nothing for my erections.
My main problem has been that I need constant stimulation. A typical experience for me…I’ll be deep in foreplay fingering someone and she’ll be using her hand to get me hard…then she gets distracted by what I’m doing and stops even for just a few seconds…and away it goes. If we focus on getting me hard, I can get in sometimes, but a change in positions is all it takes to lose it again or I have to focus so much on my stimulation that I PE in a minute or so. It’s gotten worse over the past 5 years or so, I’m probably only able to successfully able to have sex 20% of the time, if that. I’ve never used condoms appropriately in my pre-married days because every time I tried to put one on I’d lose my erection. I’m not proud that I’d try to convince girls not to use them with me, luckily never caught or transmitted anything (not that I ever had much sex could I).
I’ve been married for 10 years, we’re separated as of 3 months ago and likely divorcing. Sex has always been a huge issue in our relationship. At some point she gave up on my ability to perform, I did too. Over the years we’ve lost any sort of romantic or sexual connection and are mostly just coparents/roommates for the past couple years. We’ve tried therapy (couples and individual) and we’re at a point that even if sex were no longer an issue it’s probably too late. She brought up wanting to have sex with other people over a year ago, which I wasn’t ok with since she would rarely even try with me anymore. Eventually she started pursuing that anyway and when I found out her intentions things went downhill fast. Our issues aren’t 100% caused by my ED, she’s got plenty of her own issues…but it’s certainly has been a major contributing factor to the downfall of our marriage.
But, the last few months have been a wake up call. I’ve been taking better care of myself and trying to address the things in my life that I haven’t been happy with. This has included more exercise, getting back in therapy, meditation, spending more quality time with our daughter and setting boundaries with my work. And of course one of the top priorities has been figuring out something…anything…that I can do to have a sex life again. Before finding this site, I was kinda hopeless about it. I knew oral drugs didn’t work for me and I’d heard of injections but had heard a lot of the downsides as well and am not comfortable doing injections for the next 40+ years even if they did work that long and didn’t have other potential side effects. (Like some of you I want to be having sex well into my 80s).
Long story short, I’ve brought the topic up with my doctor, she is having me do some more testing to rule out anything that may be causing the issues, but I’m fully ready for an implant be there a physical reason found or not. I've scheduled an online consultation with Dr. Hakky for the end of the month (earliest he could see me). In my opinion things aren’t going to magically get better. Whatever is wrong physical or psychological, I’ve had for over 20 years, I’m ready to move on.
I’ve had ED since my first sexual encounters. In fact, I’m pretty sure every single first encounter I’ve ever had with a new girl was a failure. Most of the time the second and third attempts were as well (if they stuck around that long). I went to doctors and a urologist who all refused to even perform some basic testing, told me it was probably psychological since I was young and handed me some Cialis. The Cialis and at other times Viagra were great…at giving me huge migraine-level headaches, back pain, and stuffy nose for a week after taking them, unfortunately they did basically nothing for my erections.
My main problem has been that I need constant stimulation. A typical experience for me…I’ll be deep in foreplay fingering someone and she’ll be using her hand to get me hard…then she gets distracted by what I’m doing and stops even for just a few seconds…and away it goes. If we focus on getting me hard, I can get in sometimes, but a change in positions is all it takes to lose it again or I have to focus so much on my stimulation that I PE in a minute or so. It’s gotten worse over the past 5 years or so, I’m probably only able to successfully able to have sex 20% of the time, if that. I’ve never used condoms appropriately in my pre-married days because every time I tried to put one on I’d lose my erection. I’m not proud that I’d try to convince girls not to use them with me, luckily never caught or transmitted anything (not that I ever had much sex could I).
I’ve been married for 10 years, we’re separated as of 3 months ago and likely divorcing. Sex has always been a huge issue in our relationship. At some point she gave up on my ability to perform, I did too. Over the years we’ve lost any sort of romantic or sexual connection and are mostly just coparents/roommates for the past couple years. We’ve tried therapy (couples and individual) and we’re at a point that even if sex were no longer an issue it’s probably too late. She brought up wanting to have sex with other people over a year ago, which I wasn’t ok with since she would rarely even try with me anymore. Eventually she started pursuing that anyway and when I found out her intentions things went downhill fast. Our issues aren’t 100% caused by my ED, she’s got plenty of her own issues…but it’s certainly has been a major contributing factor to the downfall of our marriage.
But, the last few months have been a wake up call. I’ve been taking better care of myself and trying to address the things in my life that I haven’t been happy with. This has included more exercise, getting back in therapy, meditation, spending more quality time with our daughter and setting boundaries with my work. And of course one of the top priorities has been figuring out something…anything…that I can do to have a sex life again. Before finding this site, I was kinda hopeless about it. I knew oral drugs didn’t work for me and I’d heard of injections but had heard a lot of the downsides as well and am not comfortable doing injections for the next 40+ years even if they did work that long and didn’t have other potential side effects. (Like some of you I want to be having sex well into my 80s).
Long story short, I’ve brought the topic up with my doctor, she is having me do some more testing to rule out anything that may be causing the issues, but I’m fully ready for an implant be there a physical reason found or not. I've scheduled an online consultation with Dr. Hakky for the end of the month (earliest he could see me). In my opinion things aren’t going to magically get better. Whatever is wrong physical or psychological, I’ve had for over 20 years, I’m ready to move on.