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Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:06 pm
by 68CatFan
Hey guys, I have a Colonoscopy (routine screening) scheduled for next month. That's just over 3 months since I had my implant surgery. I was reading up on the procedure and it turns out there's a very small chance of getting an infection. Most often caused by the exam equipment not getting cleaned properly between patients. This, of course, has me a little nervous. I can't find any information on infection treatment, severity and possibility of spreading though if you get one.
I text Dr. Clavell and asked him if there's any risk to the implant and he said not to worry. I also tried to get a hold of the doctor doing the colonoscopy but he's on vacation. There is an old thread on colonoscopies on here that I read. Not a whole lot of help, unfortunately.
So, I thought, I'd just check in with you all. I'm sure that a lot of the older men that have implants have had colonoscopies by now. Did you come across any concerns? Did you tell them you have an implant? Did you worry about infection too or am I just being paranoid since this is my first procedure since I've been implanted? Can I ask how was the procedure for you? Did you have bubble guts for days after? Thanks -Cat
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:53 pm
by portageriver
Did you come across any concerns? Did you tell them you have an implant? Did you worry about infection too or am I just being paranoid since this is my first procedure since I've been implanted? Can I ask how was the procedure for you? Did you have bubble guts for days after? Thanks -Cat
Yeah, no issues whatsoever for me but I didn't think twice about it beforehand - you do seem a bit paranoid since you mention it.
The procedure represented the best nap I've had in years. They found a few polyps, removed them, and I was none the wiser. Did not have bubble guts for even a minute, wasn't sore, ate immediately after at a restaurant, and probably had four vodka's before I went to bed that night.
Lab results confirmed all polyps benign - see ya in five years.
It's only been three months since your procedure - understandable. But it was literally nothing but a day off and a great nap for me and will likely be similar for you.
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:55 pm
by stmfttr
68CatFan wrote:Hey guys, I have a Colonoscopy (routine screening) scheduled for next month. That's just over 3 months since I had my implant surgery. I was reading up on the procedure and it turns out there's a very small chance of getting an infection. Most often caused by the exam equipment not getting cleaned properly between patients. This, of course, has me a little nervous. I can't find any information on infection treatment, severity and possibility of spreading though if you get one.
I text Dr. Clavell and asked him if there's any risk to the implant and he said not to worry. I also tried to get a hold of the doctor doing the colonoscopy but he's on vacation. There is an old thread on colonoscopies on here that I read. Not a whole lot of help, unfortunately.
So, I thought, I'd just check in with you all. I'm sure that a lot of the older men that have implants have had colonoscopies by now. Did you come across any concerns? Did you tell them you have an implant? Did you worry about infection too or am I just being paranoid since this is my first procedure since I've been implanted? Can I ask how was the procedure for you? Did you have bubble guts for days after? Thanks -Cat
5 months after my implant, I had a laser prostate procedure and 11 months later, I had a colonoscopy. Neither of the procedures caused an infection. In both cases, you can bet I was nervous about any damage to the implant because it was working so damn good. Your concerns are warranted but extremely rare.
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 8:14 pm
by crazyjoe
agree, no issues -- just make sure they knock you out first

Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:11 pm
by dg_moore
I had colonoscopy and upper endoscopy on the same appointment. Other than making sure the gastro was sure to use the correct scope on the correct end, which he did, I had zero concerns. Not to worry.
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:00 pm
by sswinsfba
I've had 3 colonoscopies in my lifetime so far and I don't see how it would become an issue vis-a-vis your penile implant. Entirely different anatomlcal systems.
They stick a fairly thick tube w/ a camera at the end of it up your ass to look at your intestines, which has nothing to do w/your dick.
If there is a risk of infection, it's to your colon where they could damage the lining of the colon or where they may cut off a polyp or 2 but, if that happens you can be sure they'll pump you full of antibiotics because of the bacteria that live there.
So, I wouldn't worry about it in terms of infection BUT, if you've had a colonoscopy before and it was negative and you dont' want to do it again, there's a reasaonble chance that your are not at risk of colon cancer and really don't need to do it again. That's a personal choice.
I, for one, have already decided that I will NOT do another colonoscopy again at 80 becuase the 3 that I did before at 50, 60 & 70 were all negative and that at 80, I'm willing to assume the risk that, while I may die of something else -- like old age, I probably will not die of colon cancer.
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 1:07 am
by Gt1956
The colonoscopy that I had in my early 50's was nothing similar to the stories that my father & my father in law told. Of course theirs was around 30 years before mine. My guess is that the procedure has evolved over the 45 odd years that the old fears about infection are seriously out of date.
Btw, I think that the probe is encased in a disposable plastic sleeve so there isn't much of a chance of cross contamination.
But if you are concerned you are well within your rights to ask enough questions to ease your fears.
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:39 am
by Bigdave
dg_moore wrote:I had colonoscopy and upper endoscopy on the same appointment. Other than making sure the gastro was sure to use the correct scope on the correct end, which he did, I had zero concerns. Not to worry.
They can use the same scope, but preferably do the upper endoscopy first.

Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 9:16 am
by Old Guy
My last colonoscopy they used the same equipment, but the part inserted had a huge, long condom on it.
The worst part is the prep. After it took a day to regain that normal gut feeling.
It should not affect your implant, other than it might be uncomfortable laying on your stomach for the entire procedure. Ask for an extra pillow to put under your tummy to raise your penis off the table.
Re: Colonoscopy concerns?
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:05 am
by Gt1956
Old Guy wrote:My last colonoscopy they used the same equipment, but the part inserted had a huge, long condom on it.
The worst part is the prep. After it took a day to regain that normal gut feeling.
It should not affect your implant, other than it might be uncomfortable laying on your stomach for the entire procedure. Ask for an extra pillow to put under your tummy to raise your penis off the table.
I was present for my wifes procedure. She wasn't completely knocked out. They had her laying in her side.