Marktheman05 wrote:Is there any thing that could prevent a man from being implanted. Like can his sick be in such bad shape there is no fixing it?
The lab work that my surgeon ordered prior to surgery showed that I had a minor bladder infection. I had no clue that I had it. Antibiotics were required then a second culture was done on my urine. So in my doctors criteria, no bacteria is allowed in the bladder.
I had to have clearance from my cardiologist before I could be sedated.
He is also fussy about a patient's A1c. That is a 90 day running average that reflects you blood glucose levels. Basically, he wants your diabetes controlled to resonable levels. Under 7 is preferred but I think he'll accept over that by a little.
I did query his head nurse/assistant about how often he has an infection case. She said it was last year, over 6 months ago. This man had a lot of comorbidities. Not in very good health condition.
His main concerns are your health. Thus his areas to preclude a patient from getting an implant are all related to your health. None are related to the condition of your penis.
If you're healthy enough for surgery, you can get an implant.
From my reading here on FT. His policies are common amongst penile surgeons. Get/keep yourself healthy & you can get an implant.
I hope that alleviates your fears.