Using bone pressed lengths seem reasonable to me because it keeps all measurements consistent. An obese man with a 7" dick still has a 7" dick if he does lose weight. Same as a fit man who gains weight. When I was obese and doing doggy with one of the few hookers I paid back then, I bet if I pounded hard enough my inserted usable dick was close enough to my bone pressed.
Also, I disagree that it was created by men unhappy with their length; the reason it was created because if men can do literally anything to make their dick bigger and it is actually true, they gonna do it. Every single time.
Journeyman wrote:I just did this and it was eye opening. Google " What size penis do women prefer ? " A lot of articles pop up saying the same thing . I don't want to spoil it but I think we have a bunch of women pleasing studs on this site .
Honestly, google is obviously a great way to access reliable information, but whatever articles/studies you find about asking women what sized dicks they like getting fucked by, well, I can assure you those sources are incredibly unreliable and should be instantly dismissed.
And if anyone feels like arguing that fact and telling me that I'm calling women LIARS, I am not. Women are in general very trustworthy, but if you're asking them about dicks/sex, you have to understand that the answers are incredibly biased by hundreds of societal and personal bullshit factors.
Also I've been reading the seminal book
The Joy of Sex (1972) and the famous medical professional author actually explains exactly why women do this. First, why us men care so much about our dick sizes, and secondly, the direct advice to women to always comment on size favorably because there's not a better alternative.
Preoccupation with the size of their genitals is as built-in biologically to men (it is a 'dominance signal', like a deer's antlers) as sensitivity about their breasts and figure is to women. That, however, is its only importance. The 'average' penis is about 6 inches overall when erect and about 3 1/2 inches round, but penises come in all sizes - larger ones are spectacular but no more effective except as visual stimuli. Smaller ones work equally well in most positions. Accordingly, excessive preoccupation with size is an irrational anxiety, on which quacks batten one can't increase it, any more than one can increase stature. Girls should learn not to comment on it except favorably, for fear of creating a lasting hang-up - men should learn not to give it a second thought. The few cases where male genitalia are really infantile go with major gland disturbances and are treatable but rare.
The Joy of Sex by Dr Alex Comfort, page 56.