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Kink in tubing on Titan?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:44 pm
by Iwillbeatpd
Hey guys-

Day 8 post op here with a Titan. I’ve noticed when I inflate there’s somewhat of a kink in the tubing on the left about an inch up from the base. A couple notable things: My dogs ears are at this exact location where the kink is. Also, my dick has the slightest curve left (maybe 5 degrees).

My question is, will this kink resolve with time? In my head it makes sense that the kink is there since I’m 8 days post op and the cylinders can’t fully expand. Imagine putting a 8 inch straw inside of a 7 inch container. It would have to bend a little to fit inside. Once the container (tunica) gets to 8 inches, it can fully expand which eliminates the kink. Also, since my dick has a slight 5 degree curve left, that adds to the kink. As does the fact that the dog ears are right here.

If you rub your finger over that spot it feels like a hard edge. Not even a smooth edge. Anyone experienced this and did it resolve with time by cycling?

Re: Kink in tubing on Titan?

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 5:12 pm
by JakOBson
I have this problem, only much worse, the bend at the kink is very prominent: in flaccid state the shaft literally points to the side. I am six months post op and it just slightly improved but nowhere near be gone.

In my view this is a poor doctor’s job: either misjudging the length (cramming in a longer device than the shaft can accommodate) or poor implantation (forcefully cramming the device so that the tube kinked at some point).