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Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:14 pm
by hal9202
Hi All,

It's been a few months since I posed some questions to this forum, but I'm now happy to report I finally had my implant done, by Dr Eid on Friday, as per his recommendation with the Coloplast Titan with the classic pump. On Monday, Dr Eid pumped me up in his office- it works! All is good, no real problems except for-

When trying to cycle it in his office, and now at home (Dr Eid said I should cycle the device 2-3 times daily in a hot bath), I am not at all sure I am feeling/sensing the flat deflate buttons vs the side of the block or something else. I have the model here and it doesn't feel like what I sense inside my scrotum and I'm not positive how things are oriented. This morning, with squeezing what I'm guessing are the buttons as well as firmly squeezing my penis, I nevertheless think I successfully deflated it some anyway, but it's still VERY big and I'm not sure if it's sufficiently deflated or if it's as fully deflated as can be expected at this time (I recall reading it can be very big flaccid at first but subsides over time). Dr Eid said don't inflate it unless I'm sure I can deflate it, so I feel stuck how to proceed! Can anyone offer any specific help how I can confirm I'm finding the flat buttons or any other advice at this point?

Thanks for any thoughts!


Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:47 pm
by Stayingstrong
I'm sure Dr. Eid gave you a model of the pump to analyze its structure.
You have to feel the pump bulb and move your fingers upward to feel the two horizontal bars at the top of the pump, just above the bulb. You need to use an adequate amount of steady pressure as you squeeze your penis with the other hand to force the saline solution back into the reservoir.

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:08 pm
by Old Guy
Had that problem too. It is a very small button, barely raised on one side of the block. Depress the button when you feel it and squeeze your shaft at the same time. It will take 30-45 seconds of squeezing, button pressing time to deflate. Being so new you won't feel fully deflated until the cylinders soften. For comfort I wrap a layer of towel over my shaft as I squeeze fluid out.

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:40 pm
by nerdynerd
I have the One Touch pump, but I have similar issues at 8 weeks out. As Old Guy said, it takes some time to force the fluid out. I sometimes have to try 2 or 3 1-minute squeezes with a little rest between them. Even deflated, having been very much of a grower, my flaccid shaft is longer and a little thicker than before. Things may change as the tubes get older and softer.

I'm impressed that you were able to start cycling so soon. I waited the full 6 weeks before I was given the green light. I suppose you will be able to get back any lost length faster than me.

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:05 pm
by Witheringhog
Its hard to get it down in the beginning. I don’t squeeze my cock, i focus on squeezing the tabs then bend it up towards my belly button, then right pushing it flat against my right leg, then bend and palm push it flat towards my left leg. Thats what works best for me.

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:06 pm
by Crazy_Horse
My question is related: How flaccid can I expect to get with 22 centimeter Titan cylinders + RTEs? I am 19 days post op walking around 45 degrees erect and I can't wear pants due to scrotal edema. That will pass but what about this half erection?

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:16 pm
by Rider1400
I found that my classic pump deflates much easier if I use a lightly more of the tips of my thumb and index finger than the pad. After some time you will be able to do it without even thinking about it. I can inflate or deflate thru my jeans and underwear if I’m wearing my loose fitting jeans, so it gets much easier with time. Your other question is definitely it will feel pretty hard even when flaccid. Especially the first 4-6 months! If you can bend it to a 45% bend than it’s pretty much deflated. If it’s pumped up it will be very difficult to bend! And this will also get much easier to understand as you use it more. After a year I can deflate and squeeze it down to where the tubes are completely flat and my dick will literally hang down over my finger if I put my finger crossways under it mid shaft. After a few weeks you wil totally know when your inflated or totally deflated.

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 3:33 pm
by Old Guy
Crazy_Horse wrote:My question is related: How flaccid can I expect to get with 22 centimeter Titan cylinders + RTEs? I am 19 days post op walking around 45 degrees erect and I can't wear pants due to scrotal edema. That will pass but what about this half erection?

The half erection will pass but it is going to take time. Usually, 4-6 months for the cylinders to soften. Look into different underwear maybe. Follow docs instructions for cycling. (and using it!)

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:04 pm
by Flounder
hal9202 wrote:Hi All,
…………Dr Eid said don't inflate it unless I'm sure I can deflate it, so I feel stuck how to proceed! Can anyone offer any specific help how I can confirm I'm finding the flat buttons or any other advice at this point?
Thanks for any thoughts!


Are you within reasonable commuting distance to Dr. Eid’s office? If so, my suggestion is call the office and tell them you’re having problems cycling with the Classic Pump and ask if Sylvia is available to help you. Myra is also good. I just had more experience with Sylvia and she really helped me out when I had some initial troubles deflating my classic pump. She knows that pump inside out and I feel certain can help you better than anything I can put in words. She uses more of feel this now do this approach.

Re: Deflating Titan Classic pump

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:43 pm
by ThailandBound
Classic pump here.

The round pump is obvious. Run your thumb and forefinger up until it’s not round anymore. You found the bar. With thumb and forefinger, squeeze hard and hold. If your dick is highly pressurized you don’t need to squeeze it for several moments. The pressure will equalize and stop deflating. Then, while squeezing the bars firmly, squeeze your dick. No need to strangle it. Just a gentle squeeze works for me.

Nothing? Then rotate your thumb and forefinger 90 degrees and try again. It can only possibly be one of those two positions by geometric default.

Pro tip:

Once you start pumping it up really hard to 100%, use two hands when initially deflating. Hand over hand. The high pressure will release quicker with a strong squeeze. Again, equalize naturally then squeeze your dick while squeezing the bar to finish.

You’ll get it. We all do.