A funny paradox about "average dicks" is that practically no one seems to have them...
Most everyone on this forum seems to be 16+ cm, some pushing 18+ too. Obviously, people could be lying and i supposed often this IS the case, we all "round up" at least
... but on this site many people post actual pictures of their erect penises in full frontal. Even tho pictures are often misleading (people have actually commented on my pics saying i have a huge dick while it's actually quite tiny), it's still more or less easy to see the big ones. And i've seen my two best mates naked, not erect ofc but butt naked, and they do sport bigger members than i do and both claim to have ~17cm. We are from Eastern Europe, not Afrika too, so can't "blame" the genes either
Whatever the case, it's my observation that the "real" average (Caucasian?) dick is 16-17cm, not the 14-15 that doctors and educational sites give us. It seems to be the same with width, since it's mostly proportional.
Sooo... my theory is that the "average" doctors give you is a very rounded-down version of things, or maybe taking into consideration a specific group of people dragging the measurements down, made to make smaller guys feel ok and actual average guys feel big and powerful.
Probably a bit tinfoil-hat type of rant, as organising such a thing on a global scale would be too complicated and pointless... but then again, medicine and health-care seems to follow large trends that somehow propagate around the world and are applied by most doctors "automatically", so maybe i am not too far off the point.
P.S. Ah yes, forgot to mention - i have a 14-15(max) cm length and ~13cm circumference. You can see pics of it in "dick of the day" and see if they "match" the actual measurement