Dr. Clavell, posted a new YouTube video
Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 6:20 pm
Outlining things to expect on the day of surgery.
support group helping men deal with Erectile Dysfunction.
Taggart423 wrote:4 weeks post op and this is how it went for me with Dr. Clavell. I was delayed an hour due to Nursing in-sevice and then off to the races.
When the Nurse anesthetist came in, she gave me the med to relax and then off to the OR. I made it through the doors and then it was lights out. They had to put me on the surgical table. haha
I was also unlucky enough to get cathed because I couldn't urinate on my own after surgery. Once I was cathed, no problems afterwards and was discharged.
post by nuance » Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:47 am
Did you take the cath out yourself? How do you know when to do it?
Taggart423 wrote:post by nuance » Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:47 am
Did you take the cath out yourself? How do you know when to do it?
No. It was all done by the Surgical Recovery Nurse. And to know if it needed to be done, they do a doppler scan of the bladder. I had the urge, but just couldn't go and was told this is not all that uncommon after general anesthesia.
nuance » Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:45 am
Sorry meant to ask how do you know when to take it out? For how long does the bladder not wake up?
Taggart423 wrote:nuance » Sat Dec 28, 2024 7:45 am
Sorry meant to ask how do you know when to take it out? For how long does the bladder not wake up?
The procedure was done by the Surgical Recovery Nurse and after having the cath inserted, gravity did the rest until the flow stopped into the bag. I just laid on the gurney while she did all the work. It's also my understanding that if you are unable to urinate after being under general anesthesia your bladder will not "wake up" on its own and has to be cathed so you can start urinating on your own again.
Once this was completed I was discharged and when back at the hotel, I urinated several times and have had no issues since.
nuance » Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:29 am
Sounds like they put it in, emptied your bladder and took it out in he day of surgery so you went home without one?