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Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 2:53 pm
by RMJ9224
Can you flip the orientation of your pump inside your scrotum so for example can you flip it upside down. I ask this because my pump is in an less than ideal location to the point its actually causing chafe on my leg. Is it possible to completely flip a pump around. I do have a fairly capacious scrotum which in theory should allow me to do this but i dont know what the deal with the tubing is or how the "space" within the scrotum actually works, is it one cavity, is it lots of little pockets/layers?
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 4:19 pm
by jssherrard
How long have you had your implant?
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:00 pm
by RMJ9224
jssherrard wrote:How long have you had your implant?
3 weeks today
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:04 pm
by Eloquent
My personal opinion would be not to do that, you could damage or kink the implant.
The best would be to ask your surgeon what is his stance.
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:50 pm
by newbie443
I agree that at this early stage to ask your doctor.
I am approaching 7 years with mine and I cannot remember when it happened the first time, but my pump flipped around on me on its own. With out me trying for that to happen. I was able to flip it back. It has happened a number oof times and is no big deal. But you need to heal first before you start messing with it.
Another thing is I use an alcohol wipe to wipe things down after I shower. Be careful not to wipe the incision. At least not until it is fully healed. If you have some abrasions in your skin, it will light you up big time at first. I had done this for many years before my surgery to prevent jock rash and it works well. It can be painful as I said if you have open abrasions. Foe my incision I just followed my doctors instruction to apply Bacitracin.
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:49 pm
by jssherrard
RMJ9224 wrote:jssherrard wrote:How long have you had your implant?
3 weeks today
OMGosh, you are still so very early in your recovery. At three weeks, your body has only begun to heal. Be patient with yourself and know things will change for many months to come. The orientation of the pump is going to change somewhat as you heal anyway. And as that deep swelling recedes, it’ll become easier to manipulate. It’s going to feel foreign and strange for a while. But I promise, the day will come when it feels totally normal and comfortable. I’m nine months post-op and it’s only been during the last few months that I’ve truly begun to feel fully comfortable with my new bionic bits. Go slow and give your body the time it needs. You’ll get there!
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:03 am
by RMJ9224
jssherrard wrote:RMJ9224 wrote:jssherrard wrote:How long have you had your implant?
3 weeks today
OMGosh, you are still so very early in your recovery. At three weeks, your body has only begun to heal. Be patient with yourself and know things will change for many months to come. The orientation of the pump is going to change somewhat as you heal anyway. And as that deep swelling recedes, it’ll become easier to manipulate. It’s going to feel foreign and strange for a while. But I promise, the day will come when it feels totally normal and comfortable. I’m nine months post-op and it’s only been during the last few months that I’ve truly begun to feel fully comfortable with my new bionic bits. Go slow and give your body the time it needs. You’ll get there!
I appreciate the comment but my pump is no where near the correct location i'll attach a picture so you can see where its actually placed, i dont think this is a matter of "patience" because its a new implant.
As you can see my fingers are holding the pumps bulb, the pump is pressing against my left leg and causing chafe whenever I move. i have repeatedly attempted to relocate the pump by pushing it around however my theory is that the tubing is so ridged the moment i let go it flicks right back to that location. Its not a matter of the pump is riding high in the scrotum its that its in a completely unusual location its technically not located in my scrotum at all and more in the fat pad around the area.
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 2:20 pm
by Eamon Chute
I'm 7 weeks post op and just started pumping yesterday (Jan. 6, 2025). The pump was in the original "normal" position just after surgery with the release button facing forward. In the ensuing weeks after surgery it ended up turning 90 degrees to the left where now the release button in facing sideways to the left. My surgeon, Dr. Sidhu at Wake Med in Raleigh NC, said that that happens more frequently than you'd think, but it causes no problem to function of the device whatsoever. It actually is very easy to find the button to release.
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 3:17 pm
by wilsonmill
It almost sounds like it is attaching to your scrotum, talk to your surgeon and ask when you can start pulling the pump.
Re: Can you flip the orientation of your pump
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:33 pm
by RMJ9224
wilsonmill wrote:It almost sounds like it is attaching to your scrotum, talk to your surgeon and ask when you can start pulling the pump.
nah its not attached, its just poorly placed, i can move it around, but because of the angle i cannot get it to go into the scrotum. Its an absolute pain in the ass.. literally lol. Usable though its my only major complaint if that was in my sack everything would be going perfectly. but im not about to risk infections having them opening and reseating it.
Easier to explain with a crudely drawn paint lol