lifetimetmser wrote:Hi - sorry for my slow reply. I never had any consultations with Prof Ralph himself. I was told that he would be doing the surgery when I was still nervous about having the procedure done. But when I was then booked in the letter said it was Dr Sangster who would be carrying out the procedure.
How many consultations have you had with Prof Ralph himself?
I've had one so far, my initial one and then I've got a follow up coming this week. But tbh I'm a bit of a brute so I think I likely insisted on seeing Ralph at some point. Wouldn't surprise me. Something I'd do. I think it helped that I was on the waiting list since Spring 2023 and they messed up and cancelled my first appointment.
That said that's the NHS. It is absolutely amazing and especially if you're in London you can get world class experts. But you have to manage it. You have to be switched on, persistent and savvy. You need to do your own research and pursue the treatment you want.
One thing I'm worried about is the prospect of Ralph retiring. He's not gonna announce it ahead. However I've heard everyone in that department is top level anway. I think there's a Korean guy that's very well regarded too.