JDavid wrote:Thanks David. Can you tell me more about his protocol?
He uses either the Titan or the AMS, depending on what he thinks is best for your anatomy. He did the AMS for me. He uses the AMS CX, not the LGX. He told me that if the surgeon measures well there is no need for the LGX. The hospital he uses is Scripps Encinitas, which is a smaller hospital associated with the larger Scripps hospital in San Diego. I was satisfied with the care and operation at the hospital. He kept me overnight after my surgery and Dr. G. came in at about 9:30AM, removed my catheter, checked me out and sent me home. I saw him twice before my surgery, once when I discussed the problem and he suggested the surgery, and then once for pre-op tests and instructions. He saw me in the office after the surgery at weeks, 1, 2, 4, 7, and 10. He might have seen me more often but he was away on Thangsgiving vacation on week 3 and I was away on week 8 - 9 for Christmas travel. I had a concern on Sunday five days after my surgery so called his office, got a message with his cell phone number, and called his cell phone. He called me back within 30 minutes and after discussing my issue, told me to come into the office on Monday instead of my scheduled Tuesday appointment. So I think he was very good about taking care of me. He has also done two prostate needle biopsies on me so we have a long history together. His "operation" is small, he has one nurse and one other medical assistant lady in the office. He brought in another urologist to my surgery as his assistant surgeon. He also had a tech from AMS in the surgery with a bag of parts to make sure that he had any part that he might need during the surgery. He does not allow any non-essential people in the surgery, such as med students, as he is very concerned about preventing any source of potential infection. I am on Medicare and have a medigap policy. The only money I had to pay for the whole surgery was $6 co-pay for the post-op pain and antibiotic pills. I think the cost of his pre-op and post-op office visits are all included in the price of the surgery as I have not seen any separate bills for them go through the insurance.