Michigan man
Did you find it? You are not the first to have problems finding it. It can be really hard to find it..it moves around, and after the motion of sex, things can shift easily. BTW- is the pump all the way at the bottom of the scrotum? Or is it hanging out higher in the sac?
Glad you came here.Did you check the chat room? There are often guys in there who can help.
This raises a really good thought. You are not the first to have problems with an implant late at night...when most men will be using theirs!
Do we need an SOS phone number for help with this? An email address that goes out to several implant guys? There are many guys who can/will help. Anyway, Several guys I know who have helped other guys: Jack -
jwp104@att.net, Franglais - just PM from this board, Berie2, PM him.
Let me know if you got it.