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Penis pain or sort of.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:50 am
by knotreel
I am starting a new thread dealing with this issue. I was implanted 1/11/11 with the LGX and activation will be week after next. All of the parts, especially the pump or actually pumps in my case ( dual implants), are now comfortable, but there has been this problem off and on from the start. The area where the fill tubes go into the cylinder is hard and the flexible part of the cylinder begins there and this is the spot where I feel some discomfort. In my case and only on the left side the cylinder, which I keep FULLY deflated, the cyinder gets flat and wrinkled and after a while I have to move things around a bit to get comfortable. A slight amont of inflation makes this problem go away but then some flexiblity is lost and my goal is to wear loose fitting underware where little willie can hang where he might. So my question is, does any body else get uncomfortable flat spots or wrinkles in their cylinders?

Re: Penis pain or sort of.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:02 pm
by Genome
Hey buddy. Yes...i had the most lingering pain in that area.....but it too eventually went away. I think this will eventually happen for you too.

Re: Penis pain or sort of.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:16 pm
by Minnesota
Agreed. At first all of the extra tubing and mechanics of the implant hurt when it was in an uncomfortable or awkward position. But after time all of the pain should go away. It took 10 weeks for all of my discomfort to go away and your on week 6. Alot of healing left to do even if you cant feel it.

Re: Penis pain or sort of.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:12 pm
by knotreel
all my tubing and pumps are comfortable and as has been said i don't even notice any of that anymore but it is the kinking of the implant cylinders right at the base of my penis where it bends. The cylinder on the left seems to flatten out when it is completly deflated and the causes what little discomfrot I now have. I am at week six and will be activated next week.