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Charlies Fourth Day Post Op

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:28 am
by ShopMan
Yesterday I called the URO's office to check on my second incision for the reservoir implant. I wanted to see if I could remove that gauze covering before taking a shower. I don't go to their office until Dec. 26. The phone nurse checked with the Dr. and I was told to go ahead and remove it and take a shower. I just finished my shower. It felt so good. The incision looks good. The incision under my penis looks great too. I do have a small amount of discharge from there.

My scrotum and penis are still black and blue but no where near as bad as they were. I am having very little pain. I haven't had anything for pain since yesterday before noon. The swelling is down a fair amount but still quite swollen. Not sure if this is normal or not. Think I might sit in a hot bath a little later today. Anyone here do that?

That's about it. Making progress I think. It is only four days. Actually three if I don't count the day of surgery.
