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Pump Assist Device

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:55 pm
by SR68GTO
I am 13 weeks out and unfortunately still have discomfort but am able to pump up daily. When I pump, I know I have more fluid in my reservoir after I pump up and if I could get some additional leverage or a better grip, I could pump some more which may help me regain additional length. My Doc says I can pump all I want and it will not hurt anything but my hands are just too weak from my arthritis to go beyond a certain point. This may sound like a strange question to some but is there something like a pair of plyers with soft padding on the tips that is made to assist people with grip problems for use with implant pumps? I thought of trying to fabricate something but maybe there is something out there you know of expressly for this purpose.

Appreciate any comments people might have regarding what they have done when they suffer from grip weakness.

Re: Pump Assist Device

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:38 pm
by hardernharder
Can you ask your partner to pump the implant for you?
You can try pumping it up in a bathtub.
Once in a while see your urologist and ask him to pump to 100%, it is very important to break the protective tissue around the implant to preserve the length!
Keep on try using your fingers

Re: Pump Assist Device

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:08 pm
by jelizondo12
hey I am in the same boat, a couple weeks ago I suggested using a device like pliers with soft jaws of course and some folks thought I was joking. I pump up twice a day but I feel that I am not 100% up because I can still bend my penis and when I have sex it bents almost in half unles I grip the end where it goes into the body.

Re: Pump Assist Device

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:27 pm
by ED2013
Aim at pumping twice a day. It gets easier in time. With experience, you should be able to pump with two hands.

Re: Pump Assist Device

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:26 pm
by Anonymous5
i am at week 7 post-op. At first i could not touch my balls because the hurt to bad. I was having a hard time getting the first good pump going. I realized about 2 weeks ago that i was not fully deflated. I started using a small hand towel and wrapping it around the shaft then squeezing pretty good. That made a huge difference for me. The pump instantly got easier to use. I also sometimes hit the deflate button 1 more time right before inflating, not sure that does anything but i am working pretty good now so it does get easier. In my case it took me getting really deflated and the pump got easier.

Re: Pump Assist Device

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:32 pm
by SR68GTO
Well, I sent an email to my Doc regarding the plyers and maybe light use of a VED to help expand things. His response was "absolutely not"! He said no VED or plyers. He said to ask my wife to help with the pump.

Re: Pump Assist Device

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:43 pm
by Slayer1962
It took 3 weeks of pumping but now I can pump with one hand. I have even pumped when inside!