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When the docs deal with scar tissue

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:04 pm
by DonBecker54
For surgery for Peyronies disease, the doc's stitch the tunica on the side opposite the scar tissue so that it's as short as the scarred side. That's how they straighten the penis. Of course, that means that the penis is shorter.

I have scar tissue in two or three places. I saw Dr. Milam today, but forgot to ask how he deals with the scar tissue as far as the opposite side. Does anyone know if the doctors stitch up the opposite side, or do the tubes of the implant just stay straight themselves?

I went from 7" when I was in my 20's to about 6" when I turned 64 last year to 5" with the scar tissue. I just can't go any shorter. I was hoping that the scar tissue would be removed and I'd get closer to where I was at the beginning of this year, but Milam says that's not how it works.

Re: When the docs deal with scar tissue

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:29 pm
by MARKOS2018
I had peyronies with scar tissue on both sides. I too lost length and girth. The condition at worsen so use the VED to keep the blood flow to your dick. the cylinders are placed with what you have now but with an AMS Milan can try with the extenders. My surgeon recommended the Titan for Girth.

Whatever he tells you is what you can hope to get. He'll try to get you the most. I'm sure of that.