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Recovering girth

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:44 am
by C_lab34
This isn't my most urgent implant issue at the moment, but I nevertheless wanted some feedback on what I will have to call more more of a vanity or cosmetic concern. My implanted erection has had very uneven girth since I came out of surgery three months ago, and has only improved marginally since I've started cycling. At the base it is very wide, pretty much the same girth or maybe even slightly better than before. It starts narrowing a lot and becomes very thin and small towards the glans. Exaggerating a little, I'd say it resembles a traffic cone, wide at the base and pointy and thin at the top. Before I was almost the same girth all the way up and down the shaft. I have an AMS CX, and initially I requested a Titan because I had always heard that they provided better girth. Dr. Kramer assured me that the CX would expand to meet my size. So far this has not happened. I'm wondering if things will improve over the next few months to a year, because I am disappointed with the size and shape right now. I know it's not the worst thing in the world, but I was hoping that this wouldn't happen.

Re: Recovering girth

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:06 am
by moetheman
Does it look like a cone even with arousal? I only have experience of Titan, but with blood flow and arousal the girth was pretty uniform across the shaft and glans were engorged. Don't know what the revised one will look like but I expect it to be the same. Will know once I start inflating.

Re: Recovering girth

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:22 pm
by dirtman1993
I like moetheman also have blood filling when excited. I will be able to increase girth over time but only 5 weeks after surgery, the shaft and head of the penis fill with blood when using or just playing with. Based on first inflate photo sent to my doctor, he said I have a ways to go before length and girth is maxed out. Looking at 6 to 12 months before I am sized out.

Good Luck