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Watery cum

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:47 pm
by Mimsy8
I'm 6 weeks post op.
Generally the pain has 95% gone and seems to get better day by day.

Ive been cycling for the past two weeks but can only manage 6-8 pumps before it seems full?
I read on the forum some guys doing 20+ pumps, am I doing something wrong.
I don't cycle every day, is it bad not to do this or does it make no difference?

One thing I have noticed is that my Cum has changed consistency and thickness. Pre op my cum was thick, creamy and white. Post op my cum is thin, watery and clear?
Is this normal?
Will it return back to being white and with thick consistency?

Re: Watery cum

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:56 pm
by Lost Sheep
Mimsy8 wrote:Hi
I'm 6 weeks post op.
Generally the pain has 95% gone and seems to get better day by day.

Ive been cycling for the past two weeks but can only manage 6-8 pumps before it seems full?
I read on the forum some guys doing 20+ pumps, am I doing something wrong.
I don't cycle every day, is it bad not to do this or does it make no difference?

One thing I have noticed is that my Cum has changed consistency and thickness. Pre op my cum was thick, creamy and white. Post op my cum is thin, watery and clear?
Is this normal?
Will it return back to being white and with thick consistency?

How many pumps it takes is less important than how erect the penis becomes. Count yourself fortunate if you can pump up to operationable status that quickly.

Your ejaculate consists of two components. Testicles produce sperm and Prostate produces the fluid which carries the sperm. Which would be watery and clear, I am not sure, but 6 weeks post-op I would expect rthings to be returning to normal. However, your organs were subjected to considerable trauma during the operation and may take some time to recover. Your Doctor is the best one to ask about this.

Losr Sheep