Dr Kramer does not lend much credence to the pre-op vacuum prep espoused by Sellers-Dineen, et al, but wrote to me, "I don't think vacuum devices make any difference at all, but if you think it helps, go for it. It can't hurt, I just think not worth the inconvenience. "
I have been stretching by vacuum since December and believe I have positive results. I opine the benefit will depend greatly on your particular deficit(s). Long term ED sometimes results in contracture. Prolonged (more than 2 years or so) contracture (such as complete absence of erections from protatectomy or other reasons) may be hard to reverse, but meduiu term contracture might be able to be stretched out with a VED over a coupld months (as in the SWellers-Dineen paper). Just my lay opinion, bolstered by one man's experience and a bit of research.
Seller-Dineen paper (citation and link are below) told me this:
My own rough summary: 750 patients with long-term ED participated in a 60 day pre-op Vacuum Therapy protocol and were evaluated by post-op size results compared to national averages and prior experience of the participating surgeons. "...larger size cylinders being implanted when compared to our previous implantations absent of the patient participation protocol"
What impressed me most was this: "After the vacuum program, patients tend to experience less pain following implantation allowing earlier device instruction cycling and use."
This meshes nicely with the Caraceni paper describing success in mitigating the "coffin effect" (also known as Pseudo-Capsule Contracture and other names) which recommends early inflation as a means of reducing size loss. The difficulty of early inflation was patient participation hindered by pain while attempting the early inflation protocol.
I speculate that pre-op vacuum therapy would make following the Caraceni protocol much easier. Thereby gaining both sets of benefits.
Vacuum Preparation, Optimization of Cylinder Length and Postoperative Daily Inflation Reduces Complaints of Shortened Penile Length Following Implantation of Inflatable Penile ProsthesisPseudo-capsule “coffin effect”: How to prevent penile retraction after implant of three-piece inflatable prosthesis Enrico Caraceni, Lilia Utizi, Giovanni Angelozzi; Department of Urology, Civitanova Marche Hospital, Italy.
Read summary
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25017596Download full article
http://search.myway.com/search/GGmain.j ... 0097389852